Chapter 16

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"I know" I say. Believe it or not, I do.

"Can we at least be friends for now?" I ask him.

"I geuss" Toby says. He stands up and sticks his hand out. I take it. He pulls me up then lets go. He leads me to the lunch room doors. We enter and everyone's gaze is on us.

Toby leads me over to the gangs table and I notice Chris and will are gone.

"Chris told me to tell you that she will have more info tomorrow? Whatever that means." Uriah says as I sit down. I shake my head and look down at the table.

"So you guys wanna have a sleepover tonight?" Marlene asks.

"Aren't you guys gonna ask why I just beat up Christiana?" Toby asks. Everyone turns to him.

"We know you, four. We know you wouldn't do anything like that unless you had a good reason" Zeke says.

"So sleepover?" Shauna asks. Everyone agrees and we go to our next class.

On my way down the hall a group of boys surround another boy. I get a closer look to see what their saying.

"Aw does the little baby miss his mommy?" One of the bullies ask the boy their surrounding.

"Just leave me alone" The boys says. The leader of the bullies sneer.

"And why should we do that?" The leader questions.

"Stop" the boy says. The bullies laugh and leader hits the boys books out of his hands. I've had enough. I move into the circle and step infront of the boy.

"Leave him alone" I spit. The leader laughs.

"What makes you think you can talk to me?" The leader asks.

"What makes you think you can bully him?" I question. The leader brings his arm back about to hit me. He strikes and pain races through my nose. I feel blood trickle down my face and a bruise starting to form.

"Awww is the little girl hurt?" The leader asks. I pull my hand back and punch him in the eye. He cringes but doesn't back away.

He sweeps my feet and I fall to the ground. He kicks my ribs. I push myself up and kick him hard on the shin. He doesn't move. Then I notice something. He steps before he punches. He sticks his foot out ready to punch but I take this chance to punch him in the throat. He falls back and his friends surround me.

One of them holds me against the lockers. The another's take turns punching me. Right before I fade into darkness I see a figure beating up my attackers. The figure picks me up and cradles me in his arms. I fall into darkness.

I wake in the nurses office. I try to sit up but pain races through me. I cry out in pain but shut up as soon as I see Toby.

"You can be in pain. It's only me here" Toby says.

"Can you help me sit up?" I ask him. He sighs but gets up. He slowly sits me up and the pain comes again. I wince but keep going. I finally sit up and get a good look at toby.

His knuckles are split. He has a bruised cheek. And swollen eye. What did you expect? He went up against five other guys.

"Toby you look horrible!" I gasp. He gives me a weird look.

"You should see yourself" he replies handing me a small mirror. I look in the mirror. I wish I hadn't. My whole face is one big bruise. I hand him the mirror back as quick as my arm lets me.

"So what happened anyway?" Toby asks me. I tell him.

"Oh" is all he says.

"So what happened when I blacked out?" I ask.

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