Chapter 12

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I yawn as I sit up in bed. I look over at the clock. 6:30. Time for school. I throw the blankets off me and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see whip cream all over my face. I feel my skin glow and my hair flow up in the air red, silky lava. I run down to the game room and see my dad and caleb playing call of duty. I'm beast at that game.

"You little shit!" I start to yell as soon as I see caleb. My dad pauses the game and looks at caleb.

"You have 10 seconds to run" My dad tells him. Caleb looks confused.

"I suggest you run" My dad repeats. Caleb still stays put, looking more confused then ever.

"I'm telling you this because I love you and I don't feel like getting up this Saturday to go to your funeral. Run. Now. You've got 10 seconds" My dad says. Caleb turns around and sees me.

"Shit!" He exclaims then runs up the stairs.

10" Me and my dad yell after him.

"Tell him I wish him the best and to make a good dying wish" My dad says. He stands up and kisses my cheek. He starts to walk away but stops and turns around.

"Oh and breakfast is on the table when ever your ready princess" He says. He turns around and leaves to go get ready for work.

After I get changed, I run downstairs to breakfast. While I'm eating my bacon my phone beeps.

Morning gorgeous- Toby

Morning handsome-

C Ya at school- Toby

Love you- Bea

Love you too- Toby

I put my phone back in my pocket and finish my bacon. I put the plate in the sink and walk out to my car.

As I drive down the rode I see a car heading strait towards me, spinning in circles. Suddenly. Everything. Goes. Black.


I hop in my car and start the engine. I drive to school and see all my friends In the parking lot hanging out. I walk over and I feel like something is missing. Then I realize that I don't have a small hand in mine. I look around.

"Where's Bea?" I ask everyone.

"She's probably sick" Marlene says.

"Probably" I say. The bell rings and we all shuffle inside. I go to my locker to get my things then go to home room.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I'm now sitting in the library because it's free period. Tris and I always come here during free period. Tris still isn't here and I'm getting worried. I don't think she's sick because she texted me this morning.

Suddenly the intercom comes on and it says, Four Eaton please report to the main office, Four Eaton please report to the main office.

Oh no, this can't be good. I get to the office and the secretary points to the principles room. Shit. I walk in and Tori looks really worried. I sit in a chair and wait.

"I'm so sorry Four" Tori says.

"For what?" I ask her.

"Tris....she's....." Tori try's to explain.

"She's what?!?!" I practically yell.

"She was in a car crash this morning, I'm giving you permission to go see her at the hospital now" Tori says. My stomach drops. I nod and run out to my car. I speed off to the hospital.

When I get there I run up to the front desk.

"Tris Prior!" I tell her out of breath.

"Are you family?" She asks me.

"I'm her husband" I lie. If I said anything different then she would probably not let me in. She nods.

"Room 124" She tells me. I run all the way up two floors and into her room. When I get in there, Tris is unconscious, so I decide to text the gang.

Get to the hospital now- Four

Can't in class- WCZSLMU

Go to Tori she'll let you out- Four


I set my phone down and a minute later, uriah speeds into the room, will runs in, and Shauna sparks up out of nowhere. (S-Teleport, W-Change form, U-speed.)

"I know how everyone else got here fast, but how did you Will?" I ask him.

"Oh I transformed into a car and sped over here" Will explains.

"Ok where are the others" I ask.

"there on there way, they couldn't get here as fast as us because they don't have cool powers" Uriah says. (Chris- change weather, Zeke-Invisibility, Lynn- strength, Marlene- walks through things)

I nod and turn back to tris. I grab her hand. About 10 minutes later the rest of the gang shows up. So the nurse comes in.

"So, she should wake up in about 10 minute but she hit her head pretty hard. She didn't hit it hard enough to induce a coma but it did hit the memory part of her brain. So she probably won't remember anyone but her parents" The nurse tells us then leaves.

I drop to my knees. I put my head in my hands. She won't remember me. I look over at her bed and she starts to stir. Her eyes fly open and I run To her. I engulf her in my arms.

"Who are you?" She asks me. I knew this was gonna happen.

"He's your husband" The nurse says walking in.

I facepalm.

"What! I'm to young to be married!" Tris says.

"I'm your boyfriend" I tell her. She looks confused.

"And who are they?" She asks pointing to the gang.

"Those are our friends" I explain. She nods. Then her parents come barging through the door.

After her parents reunion I speak up.

"Um Id like to take Bea somewhere" I say.

They nod and I help Bea up.

"Where are we going, boyfriend" She asks me as we walk out the front door.

"To get your memory back" I say as I start the car.

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