Chapter 18

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I walk downstairs, uriah behind me.

"Hey uriah?" I ask him.

"Yes trissy" he asks.

"You never told me why you were in my bed" I tell him.

"Oh well four told me to go lay with you, something like 'I don't want her to be alone' so yeah" Uriah says. I look down. I'm a horrible person.

We reach the last step. I walk into the kitchen and see everyone but four.

"Hey guys, help yourself for breakfast, I'm going to get four" I say walking out the front door.

I see toby sitting on his front step with a towel thrown over his shoulder, covered in sweat, drinking from his water bottle.

"How's the four wheeler going?" I ask him. He sets his water bottle down.

"I managed to blow the tires back up so there not flat anymore. I also tightened the break, and shined the engine" he tells me.

"That's a good start" I say. He just nods.

"I have to go meet Christiana but I'll be back in a little while. Oh and there's a party at the pedrads tonight. You should go" I tell him.

"Are you kidding me? The pedrads throw the best parties!" He exclaims. I laugh.

"I'll see you there" I say getting up.

"Wait! Can I come? I wanna know more about who's trying to kill us." Toby says.

"Why not?" I say.

We pull up to Starbucks and hop out of the car. Toby opens the door for me on the way in.

"Fourrrrrrr" I whine. He groans.

"Let me guess, you want something, don't you?" He asks. I nod eagerly.

"White girls" he mutters. Oh. No. He. Didn't.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask him.

"N-nothing, hey let's go get your coffee" he runs to the counter. That's what I thought.

"Hello, what would you like?" The girl at the counter asks. She's eying four with lust. I feel jealousy burn through me. I tell Toby I want a cotton candy frappe.

"White girl over here wants a cotton candy frappe" Toby says gesturing towards me. I glare at him and he chuckles. I get my coffee and we walk to a table in the corner and wait for Christina:

I roll my eyes when I see the name written on the cup. White girl.

"Tobyyyy, they put my name on the cup as white girl!" I whine. He laughs.

"Wait what's that?" He asks pointing to the back of the cup. I spin it around and it reads: For Mr. Hot guy and then has her number.

"She left her number Mr. Hot guy" I scoff.

"Huh?" I show him the cup and he grins pulling out his phone.

"Your not actually thinking of using it, are you?" I ask him.

"What? No." He says quickly putting his phone away. Christina walks in and sits across from me and toby.

"I'm gonna get right to the point. Peter said, Jeanine sent men to look for you yesterday. They are looking for you two because you two are the strongest divergents alive. You guys together create something so powerful, something far beyond any scientific thesis. So she feels the need to figure out what it is and put a stop to it. Once she gets you she will preform many tests on you. Then, she will kill you" Christiana explains. I let those words sink in. Fear boils through my veins.

"What can we do?" Toby asks. Chris sighs.

"I recommend hiding. If you wanna stay alive. It's the best thing you can do. My guess they'll take about a year to find you. Right now they are looking in Italy. They will probably find you at some point, So If you want, live a normal life, but still be watching the shadows. See you at the party tonight" Chris says before getting up and leaving. I suddenly wish I didn't hear any of that.

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