Chapter 7

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I open my eyes and see everyone is still asleep. I don't blame them, last night was really fun. We played truth or dare, then hung out in the pool, then we played a nerf gun war and went to bed. It was fun. I spent most of the time with Bea. I'm so glad I get to be best friends with her again. She more beautiful from when I last her as kids.

Speaking of Bea. I walk up to her and gently shake her. She starts to stir but finally wakes up. She smiles when she sees me. Her smile is so beautiful.

"Morning toby" she whispers.

"Good morning Bea" i whisper back. "So do you wanna prank then?" I ask her. We were the best prankers when we were little. We would always prank her brother caleb. It was fun because he would always scream then jump up and hit his head on the wall.

"Big time" she says grinning. I stick out my hand for her to take. She gladly takes and it and I pull her up.

"So where do you think we could get some supplies?" I ask her.

"I know just the place" she says and starts walking. I follow her and we end up in front of a big wooden door. She pulls it open and my mouth drops. "Welcome to the game room" she says proudly.

The room consists of, tons of bean bags, some arcade games, a flat screen tv, video games with an x box, and lots of junk food. Well she is rich.

"If you like this your gonna love the bathroom" she says chuckling. I laugh to and she walks over to a closet. She opens it and inside their is all of the pranking supplies in the world. I grab whip cream and a smoke bomb and she grabs an air horn. We go back up stairs and I draw whip cream faces on each one of them.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"Ready." She answers. She blows the air horn and they all bolt up.

"Oh your gonna pay for that" Zeke warns. They start to get up and chase us but I drop the smoke bomb and their faces disappear. Tris grabs my arm and pulls us to our room before the smoke is gone. Once we get their she slams the door and locks it. I look around her room and I see my room out across from her window.

"There!" I point and she nods. There is a tree connecting them so we climb across the tree into my room. We sit on my bed and take deep breaths. Then and idea pops into my head.

"Follow me" I Instruct her.

"Okay" she breathes. We walk downstairs and out the back door. I lead her towards the woods and she speaks up,

"Where are we going toby?" She asks excited.

"You'll see" I tell her. We enter the forest and I find the path that I made a while back when Bea left. About two minutes later we arrive at a small clearing. In this clearing is a small lake, almost like a pond, and a giant willow tree. I've never taken anyone here before because this is the place where I just come to think.

"Toby is beautiful" Bea says taking it in.

"that it is Bea that it is! Do you wanna know something cool about it?" I ask her. She nods eagerly.

"I always love coming here at night because this is the place in the woods where all the fire flies gather, and they look like a million little stars in the sky" I whisper. She gasps.

"Oh my god toby that sounds perfect! Can we come here tonight?" She asks.

"Of course" I say tapping her nose. She scrunched it as soon as my finger touches her nose. Oh my god that's cute! I can't wait for tonight!

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