Chapter 9

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I wake up to the smell of bark and manly cologne. I raise my head off my pillow and look around. I notice that I'm still in the woods and that I wasn't on a pillow. It was Toby's chest.

"Tobias" I whisper. I lightly shake him. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. He smiles when he sees me.

"Good morning my bumble Bea" he mumbles. Memories of last night come flowing in. The kiss.

"So about the kiss-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Did you feel the Sparks too?" Toby asks.

"I did" I tell him smiling.

"Well I should go my parents- I'm mean my mom and caleb- are probably worrying about where I am" I correct myself. My dad is probably laughing at my mom and caleb right now about them flipping out, him knowing there's nothing to worry about.

"Mine too" he adds. I start to walk towards the path when he yells after me.

"Oh and would you um, maybe want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course!" I exclaim. I run up to him and hug him. The familiar smell of manly cologne engulfs me.

"Pick you up at 7?" He asks.

"See you then, better be there on time" I say joking. He chuckles.

"You know it!" He says with a goofy grin. He kisses my cheek and I walk down the path. I can't wipe the smile off my face.

I open my front door and when I get inside, I see my dad laughing on the couch, while my mom and Caleb pace around the living room. I knew it!

"Why so stiff?" I joke as I walk into the living room.

I put my bag down and my mom runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug.

"We were so worried, Beatrice. Where were you!" Caleb exclaims. At this my dad doubles over laughing onto the floor.

"They Were worried, I on the other hand wasn't" my dad says starting to regain himself, although his voice is still filled with laughter.

"Toby and I just fell asleep, Im sorry it was an accident. Then we woke up and I made my way back but he stopped me and asked me out on a date tonight" I explain turning toward my mom and Caleb.

"OMG TELL ME ALL THE DEETS!!!!" My dad squeals like a teenage girl. I chuckle.

"Wait hold up, a date?" My mom asks. My brothers mouth just hangs open.

"Mhmm" I confirm.

"Beatrice you are to young to be dating" My brother scolds.

"Ok First of all she prefers tris! And second of all your only two months older then her Caleb!" My dad says, defending me.

"I'm gonna go get ready for my date. Bye daddy!" I get up on my tippy toes and kiss my dad on the cheek. He grins and I walk up stairs, to get ready.


I hear the doorbell ring and I go and answer it. I open the door and see Toby in dark jeans, a nice blue button up shirt, and black converse.

"You look good tris" Toby tells me.

I blush. I'm just wearing a pink blouse, Dark jeans, and pink converse.
"You don't look that bad yourself" I add.

"Shall we?" He asks sticking his hand out for me to take.

"We shall" I say and link my hand in his.

We walk out towards his car. He opens the door for me then runs to the other side and gets in the drivers seat.

"So where are we going for this so called 'date'?" I ask him as we pull onto the road.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he replies, eyes still on the road. I laugh and turn to look out the window.

About 10 minutes later we pull into a parking lot. The sun is starting to set. Toby runs over and opens my door for me before I can. He sticks his hand out and I gladly take it.

"Come on" He exclaims, pulling me up. He starts to run, my hand still in his.

"Tobias slow down!" I yell laughing. I start tripping over my feet so he starts to slow down. We walk up to the front of a carnival.

"Awww toby you didn't have to!" I tell him.

"oh but I did" he says. He taps my nose and my nose scrunches up. He smiles.

"That is so cute!" Toby exclaims. I blush and look down. Toby grabs my hand and pulls me over to a giant roller coaster.

"But Toby your afraid of heights" I gasp.

"Everyone's afraid of something" he whispers.

"Now come onnnnnn" he complains dragging me into the roller coaster. We get into one of the cars. The roller coaster starts to go up. Toby grips the handle bar so tight that his knuckles start to turn a pale shade of white.

"Hey" I whisper. He's still looking under the train car, to the ground.

"Hey! Look at me" I whisper again. This time he looks at me.

"Look into my eyes, don't look away until the ride is over" I tell him.

"Why-" he starts to say but I interrupt him.

"Because. Just trust me" I say. He gulps but nods. The ride starts to plummet down and fear flashes in tobys eyes. He starts to look down but I grab his chin and force him to look at me.

"Tobias eaton! You look at me right now!" I demand. He nods and smiles. His electric blue eyes find mind and I get lost in them. Before I know it, the ride is over and we're getting off.

"Now was that so bad?" I ask him.

"Yes " He says smiling. I roll my eyes and he grabs my hand again. He starts to drag me to a carnival booth.

Toby hands the guy running the booth a dollar. The guy hands toby three baseballs. The objective of the game in to knock down all the bottle in three tries.

"Tobyyyyyy I want that one" I whine pointing to the giant neon pink gorilla. He chuckles and knocks down all of the bottles in one throw.

"Can we have that one please sir" Toby asks pointing to the neon pink gorilla. The guy nods and hands toby the gorilla.

"Thank you toby!" I exclaim. I reach out to take the gorilla but he puts it above his head.

"You have to give me a kiss first" Toby says. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek. He grins and hands me the teddy bear.

"Wanna go on the Ferris wheel for the last ride?" He asks me. I nod and we intwine our hands and walk to the Ferris wheel.

We get in one of the Ferris wheel carts. The carts start to go slowly up, higher and higher. When we get to the top the Ferris wheel stops. I look over at Toby with worrie. He returns it with a smile. What?

All of a sudden I hear multiple bangs and colors flash In the sky. Fireworks. The fireworks spell out the sentence: Bea, will you be my girlfriend?

I turn to toby and he grins.

"So will you-" I cut him off by planting a passionate kiss on his lips. To my surprise he kisses back. We just kiss until the Ferris wheel starts to slowly move downward, breaking us apart.

When we get home to my front door I turn to toby "thank you for this amazing night toby"

"Anything for my bumble Bea" he says. He kisses my cheek and walks back to his house. Leaving me lovestruck.

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