Chapter 26

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*Please read authors note at end*

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I lift up my head and feel pain shoot through me. I see my alarm clock across the room.

I glare at it with a look saying 'you really wanna keep beeping?' It's as if it reads my mind because the beeping gets louder. Okay fine, two can play at that game.

I throw the covers off of me and sit up. My body screams with pain at the sudden movement. I groan and start to walk, each step sending pain though my body.

I grab the bloody alarm, and throw it at the wall. It shaders to pieces. I grin to myself knowing I totally won that.

I take a shower and get ready. May I remind you the shower was most painful. I throw on jeans, my vans, and a blue polo shirt. Then I mop up my blood on the floor and head downstairs. I see Lily sitting on the counter eating bacon.

"Good morning" she says looking up at me, she has a huge red hand mark on her face. I swear to got I'm gonna kill Marcus. She gasps.

"Toby you look horrible!" she says. I look down at my outfit.

"I look that bad huh?" I say with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on my face. She rolls her eyes.

"That's not what I meant" she says.

"I know, how come your up this early?" I ask her. She looks down at her plate.

"I never went to sleep" she replies. I look down too.

"Why?" I ask even though I already know the answer. She shrugs. I decide to read her mind,

Because I was scared of him

I shake my head and put a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"You will always be safe with me, I will always protect you for as long as I can" I assure her. She nods. I get my bag and start to head toward the door. I know she'll be okay until she has to go to school because Marcus already left for work. I grab the door knob when she says something.

"Toby" she calls after me. I turn around.


"I miss mommy" she says. I miss her too but I'm really mad at her, how could she just leave us here with him?

"I know but think of it like this, you have me and that's all that matters" I kiss her forehead and head for the door again.

"Have a good day at school" I say closing the front door and head off to school.


I'm talking to the gang in front of the school when Toby pulls up. He gets out of his car and everyone gasps. His face is all bruised and he's limping. He walks over to us.

"What happened buddy?" Zeke says patting his back. He groans.

"Yeah what happend?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nothing." He replied simply. I know it's not nothing and I plan on finding out what it is.


Hugs&Kisses Kaylie🌷

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