Thank you, and chapter 10

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i would like to thank the following people:







I am thanking these special people because they always comment and when they do, their commets are so nice that peter could stab me with a butterknife and i woundnt get mad(i would be dead) and also for sticking through all my crap.


"Fourtris!" Uriah bursts out. We all look across the lunch table at him.

"What?" Tris asks.

"Fourtris, that's your new ship name" uriah explains.

"Fourtris? I like it!" Tris's exclaims.

"A Fourtris of love" I add. Tris smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I feel my cheeks go red and look down.

"Awwww fours blushing!" Zeke says. I glare at him.

"Awwww now tris is blushing" Chris says. I look over at Bea and sure enough she's blushing. I smile a little.

"Wanna go to the library, it's free period after lunch" I whisper in Bea's ear. She nods and rests her head on my shoulder. I stroke her hair and zeke laughs.

"Way to keep it pg" Zeke complains.

"Zeke how come we never do that?" Shauna questions.

"Yeah Uri?" Marlene adds.

"Why will?" Christiana pushes.

I grab Bea's hand and pull her up.

"While they bicker about why their relationships aren't romantic enough, let's go to the library" I tell her in the hallway.

"They can be so annoying" Bea complains.

"I agree" I say. We get to the library and sit on the bench in the back. Bea lays down and rests her head on my shoulder. I wonder why she's so tired. Her breaths suddenly become even and she falls asleep.

I slowly lift her head up and place it on the bench instead. I get up and go look at books. We still have like an hour left of free period. I start to search the books.

Geographic novel? Nope. Ancient runes? No. Math book? Hell no. Super power history? No- wait what!?

I open the book super power history and flip through the pages. Flexibility..... strength....... invisibility.....

Then I find it. The force. That's what coach said Bea and I create together. I start to read the passage.

Some people say the force is just a myth but that's not the case. There has only been one pair who has been able to create this before. Jacob Eaton and Abby Prior. Scientists unfortunately found these two and killed them. But before they killed Ms. Prior and Mr. Eaton they ran a few tests on them. In the future there might be another pair to contain the force but we can't be sure.

Wait? That's mine and Bea's last names! Why didn't our parents tell us about this?

I have to go wake Bea up so we can go talk to coach. I walk back to bench and gently shake her. She starts to stir and eventually opens her crystal blue eyes.

"Mhmm?" She asks. I hand her the book and flip to the page. After she reads it her eyes widen. She bolts up and starts to head towards the gym knowing exactly where I wanted to go.

I finally catch up to her at the gym door. We see coach at the back of the gym putting the basketballs on the rack.

"Coach!" I call. He turns to us and we run up to him.

"Tris, four" coach nods.

"Is the force dangerous?" Tris blurts out. Coach looks startled then concerned.

"I was afraid we would get to this" coach implies.

"Well......?" I push.

"Scientists are looking for people like you two. They killed your great grandmother, abby prior, and your great grandfather, Jacob eaton." Coach explains.

"But why are we dangerous?" Tris questions.

"Because you are too powerful together. They call it divergent. Your brain works in a million different ways. You can't be controlled." Coach says. I let that sink in.

"What will they do if they find us?" I ask, concerned for Tris's safety. He shakes his head and sighs.

"At first they'll turn you into lab rats. They'll run tests on you until they have all the data they can concur and then, they'll kill you" Coach says. Tris looks down at her shoes.

"Thank you" I tell him. I grab Bea's hand and pull her into the hall.

"Tonight my family is coming over your house for dinner. Well ask them about our great grandparents then" I tell her.

"Okay see you tonight" she kisses my cheek then walks away.

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