Chapter 11

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I'm sitting on my bed listening to music when my dad bursts through the door.

"Mom....coming....dress ........dinner.....warning" my dad says between gasping for air. I know exactly what he means. I jump up and run to the closet. My dad turns around and I change into jeans and a sweat shirt.

"Quick under the bed!" I urge at my dad. He nods and slides under the bed. I hear footsteps scurry up the stairs so I belly flop on my bed and pretend to be asleep.

"Beatrice hunny! I found the perfect dress for tonight!" My mom yells coming into the room. I still pretend to be sleeping. When she sees me she groans.

"Ugh great I bought this for nothing! I can just wake her up- no I can't she looks so peaceful. I'll just go get Andrew and have him try on this tuxedo" She complies and leaves the room. I let out a huge breath. My dad gets out from under the bed.

"Thanks daddy. You know what to do" I tell him.

"See you at dinner princess" he kisses my cheek and climbs out my window and down the tree. He's gonna go to the store and buy milk and come back just before dinner so he won't have to put on the tux. We help each other with these kind of things all the time.


We all sit down at the dinner table. I look around and see all the boys with a tux and the girls with dresses. Besides me and my dad who are wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I look at my dad and we burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Caleb asks. My dad shakes his head and high fives me. When our laughter dies down, I look over at Toby who's across from me. He smirks. He's the only one who gets why were laughing.

He sticks his tongue at me. I do the same back. He starts to do a money face and I copy him. He makes an alien face and I giggle. Someone clears their throat and me and Toby look across the table. My eyes land on tobys mom. Great they all saw us.

My mom has a confused look on her face and my dad is smiling so wide you can see his perfect white teeth.

"So you gonna tell them?" My dad asks me. I already told my dad were dating. I nod and look at toby. He grins and speaks up.

"Me and Bea are dating" Toby says with proudness in his voice. My mom and his mom choke on their food. My dad and Marcus are grinning.

"Okay pay up" My dad says. Marcus pulls out 20 bucks and hands it to my dad.

"You bet on us?" Toby asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah when you were 5 years old Andrew said "I bet they'll get married and have kids when their older" But I said I don't think that will happen because I knew we were moving. But andrew never gave up hope and here you are" Marcus explains. I laugh and toby just shakes his head.

"I'm happy for you" Tobys mom, Evelyn says.

"Me too" my mom adds. Caleb snorts. I totally forgot he was here. Oops.

"Got a problem?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I was just thinking that your to good for him" caleb says. I feel my skin heat up and the walls have a red shadow, which must mean I'm glowing and I feel my hair flow up in the air red and orange, like silky lava.

I look at my dad asking for permission to crush him. He laughs and nods his head. I see my mom glare at my dad but he ignores her and puts his chin on his palm like he's about to watch a movie. Which he probably is.

I pull caleb out of his chair and pin him against the wall.

"What did you say?" I spit.

"I said your too good for him" He says grinning.

"Oh you little-" I pull my arm back to punch him but a strong hand stops me.

"We have some questions to ask. You can beat him up later" Toby whispers In my ear. I nod and kiss his cheek. I feel my body go back to normal.

"So we have a question" Toby says as I sit back down.

"And that is?" My mom asks.

"Why didn't you tell us about Jacob eaton and abby prior?" I blurt out. There looks change from shocked to worried in less then a second.

"Who told you about them?" Marcus asks.

"I read it in a book at school today" Toby says.

"Why? Do you two have the force?" Evelyn asks. I nod. My mom gulps.

"Your in great danger" My dad says.

"We know" Toby says.

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