(14) The Black Rebellion

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Hiiiii :D
This is a looong chapter :3
We are already at 2,4K reads holyyyy potato, thank you all so much for your support :D
The new character appearing in this chapter might be related to a content creator ;)
As always, votes and feedback of any kind are appreciated.

Clay watched Darryl locking the door of his office.

He turned around and walked towards one of the shelfs with many folders.
Then he faced Clay again.

"I hope you know that you are not allowed to talk about this with anyone. What we do is highly illegal from the view of the Pretiosi. They would not hesitate to execute us. So for the sake of your own good, shut your mouth about this."

He turned back to the right side of the shelf and started to slowly push the heavy object to the left.

Clay expected to see something on the wall where the shelf had been standing, but nothing was there.

Then his gaze fell on the floor and he gasped as he saw a small trapdoor, barely visible within the pattern of the floor.

"Follow me." Darryl ordered.
He opened the trapdoor which squeaked a bit.

Clay hesitated as Darryl's head disappeared into the dark shaft.

Could he trust him? Darrly was his ROS, he had always cared for him and he had promised him to try and bring his siblings and Nick back- but at the same time this was illegal as it was against the Pretiosi Kingdom- and thus against Prince George.

Clay did not know why he cared for the Prince's well-being. Why was he worried about an oppressor?

Sure, they had some nice talks- but George was still a Pretiosi, one of the people who claimed the whole world for themselves.

"Are you coming? We don't have all day."
Darryl's head appeared once more at the trapdoor.

Clay pressed his lips together and nodded.

What else should he do? This seemed to be the only way to save his best friend, brother and sister.

He climbed down the short ladder which ended in a small underground passageway.

He followed Darryl to the end of the passageway where a spiral staircase started down.

Clay lost his sense of time as they climbed lower, taking turn after turn, always in a circle.

Just when Clay started to feel dizzy and wanted to ask Darryl for a short break, the spiral staircase ended in yet another underground passageway.

Here the stifling air was colder and way more humid. Clay shivered a bit in his new servant's shirt.

Even thought they had to be way under the castle, it was not completely dark. A slight glimmer of light made it just bright enough for Clay to see where he put his feet.

As they were walking they came by more and more crossings of other underground passageways. He wondered if the Pretiosi knew that they had a network of underground paths underneath their castle- this did not seem to be an official way of travelling.

They barely turned at any crossings and Clay was relieved when they climbed out of another trapdoor. He looked around curiously, but they were surrounded by trees which were hardly visible in the darkness of the night.

Darryl closed the trapdoor which was covered by moss and hid it again behind ferns and other plants Clay had never seen before.

"Do you see the distant light through these trees?"
Darryl pointed to their left.

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