(20) Worthless

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Whaaa 10K reads, what happened while I was gone :0 thank you so much!! <3
I'm sorry for the long break, I needed some rest after my final exams and my writing motivation decided to go on vacation :)

Also I rescheduled my update plan and instead of my other book I will start writing another Dreamnotfound Fanfiction, I'll tell you guys when it's out :D
Now I hope you like the chapter and a vote or comment would make my day.
I hope that the next chapter won't take so long xD

A fast beating heart.

A face pressed into his shoulder.

Red eyes looking up to him, surrounded by dark, fluffy hair.

Butterflies in his stomach while his heart was bleeding.

Clay tried to memorize the picture of Prince George, the future Pretiosi King, laying in his arms. Crying.

It had been so confusing. He had felt helpless. He did not understand.

The Pretiosi Prince did not cry.
What reason could he have?

Clay tried to go through the long meeting of him and George and the sudden breakdown of the Prince- the explanation he gave for avoiding him and the awkward conversation enclosing the whole situation.

He was sure that the Prince's tears had something to do with the two of them not talking. Something must have happened that made George avoid him.

But what was it?

On his way back to section G, he remembered the confrontation about the war- Clay had asked why the Vilis had to lose their lives while the powerful Pretiosi were sitting in their big houses, not doing anything about it.

Why the Vilis had to live in tiny huts, why they were treated like animals.

And why the Prince supported all of that.

George's answer still gave him goose bumps.

"Clay- I am a Pretiosi. I grew up in this Empire. I have been taught that the Pretiosi are made to rule over the world. And that's what I believe in. We have powers and we don't have them out of a coincidence. We are made to be emperors. It is our right. Our determination."

He could not be mad at George. He was right somehow. And of course he grew up like that.

"But why me? Why did you save me from the war, and not all the other Vilis? People are dying, all the time, why is my life worth more than theirs? Why couldn't you save them?"
Clay had asked.

"I mean- Vilis is Latin and means worthless. Do you think that's a coincidence?
I have been taught all my life that all Vilis are worthless. And I believed it. All these years. But then you came- and you are so much different. I just couldn't believe that you are one of the stupid slaves who have to be ruled over because they can't take care of themselves. You have an effect I can't explain on me. You confuse me because my heart doesn't let me believe that you are worthless."

Clay was sure he had blushed after hearing these words.
"B- but what does that mean?"

"I don't know."
George had whispered.

He did not get any answers at all. It made the huge question mark in his head even bigger.

Remembering the situation did not help him to understant it better- it only made him uncomfortable.

How the Prince hugged him again before he left the room. How his face heated up right after. How this strange feeling was spreading through his body, unable to control.

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