(15) A Day Outside

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The chapter of truth! (Kind of lmao)
Welcome back to another looong chapter :D I hope you're having a good day or night!
If you enjoy this chapter, feel free to leave a vote or a comment (or both), that would make my day :)
Anyways, Enjoy!

Clay was sitting in Darryl's office.
For the third time this week.

Since their first meeting two weeks ago, Clay and George had met every second or third night- in an irregular pattern so that nobody could get suspicious.

Clay had started to really enjoy their late night talks- he felt closer and closer to the Prince as they exchanged stories about their childhood.

Soon he had started to ignore the barrier that stood between him and the Pretiosi- George did not seem to care about their different origins at all so it became less important to Clay aswell.

They got along well and became something you could call friends already.

It was a different friendship than the one with Nick, Ben or Loris, but Clay was okay with that- it was already weird enough to talk to the Pretiosi Prince like an equal.

Clay felt that he started to actually like George- and that bothered him.

He did not want to like the Pretiosi Prince, but his appearance and his smile especially triggered the butterflies in Clay's stomach.

He had never felt like this about any of his friends before and not knowing what this strange feeling was made him quite uncomfortable.

It was like a war was going on between his head and his heart- his good sense told him to hate George while his heart liked the Prince in a way he could not explain to himself.

And now he was sitting in Darryl's office, about to tell his ROS everything he found out about George once again.

He could not help to feel a bit guilty.

He always tried to convince himself that this was all for the best and he would do it only for his siblings and for Nick but in his dreams he often saw George looking at him with a disappointed expression, as if he knew what Clay was doing.

"So- you have new information?"
Darryl looked up from his notes.

Clay nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yesterday he told be about his birthdays, that he was never allowed to invite anyone. He had to give interviews and step out on a balcony of the castle for a few minutes so that all the Pretiosi could cheer for him. That was all, it made him feel very lonely."

He felt a little stitch in his heart.

No, I'm not going to feel sorry for this man. He doesn't deserve that.

-He is your friend! He just had a difficult childhood.

He is the Prince! His childhood was like paradise.

-You heard from him that it was not. He was super lonely!

The discussion of the voices in his head was interrupted by Darryl.

"Unstable personality, I see, we were already assuming that. Anything else?"
Darryl asked as he wrote something down.

"Yeah, he actually talked to me about the Black Rebellion and how his parents are trying to fight against them. Of course he sees them as terrorists."

Darryl's head shot up.
"He did? That could be very useful information! What did he say?"

Clay sighed. He was so tired.

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