04 | departures

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FOR A FEW SECONDS, Peter merely stared at the Daughter of Eve. It was then that he noticed the hazel flecks in her eyes, which he had initially thought matched his own blue orbs. He felt like he was staring into a miniature storm.

They were attractive, Peter had to admit that. Like her.

But no matter how attractive this raven-haired Pevensie was, she still irked on his nerves. She was still that insufferable, ungrateful girl she saved from a Minotaur. He had saved her, and probably broke his shoulder after colliding hard with that tree when the Minotaur swatted him aside like a fly, and she didn't even give him a simple thank you. Was it that bloody hard to thank him for saving her from certain death?

No. He had no interest in annoying and ungrateful girls like that, thank you very much.

Susan stared back at him. Her guilt and her words of apology died in her throat urge when she looked at his blue eyes and found them glittering with mischief. Instead, she remembered how mad she was at him. His Annoying Majesty had called her a bigmouth. He deserved an upside smack on the head.

Edmund and Lucy appeared beside her. When the both of them saw the staring contest between Susan and Peter, they maintained a good distance from their sister, in case she would decide to strangle the King of Narnia.

At the sight of the younger Pevensies, Mr. Tumnus cleared his throat and said, "Nothing. King Peter and I were talking and--"

"I was wondering if the three of you would like to come with me to Cair Paravel." Peter interrupted the faun.

"Why?" Susan narrowed her eyes at the King, her blue eyes full of suspicion.

"Well--" Peter started, trying to find something reasonable to say. Because the three of you might be the ones in a new prophecy I know nothing about but I'm fairly sure predicts danger and destruction? Yep, that would be the sort of welcoming news these siblings would want in entering a different world. "For one thing, I want to introduce you to my brother. And--"

"We'd love to come!" Lucy squealed, a wide smile plastered on her face. She looked up at her elder brother, brown eyes glistening.

"Well, this would be our only chance to look at a castle that is not Buckingham Palace so, yeah, absolutely." Edmund grinned, matching his younger sister's smile.

"No," Susan said bluntly. "No way."

Four pairs of eyes stared at her. But Susan ignored the other two and turned her attention to her siblings. "I think we should go home."

Lucy's jaw dropped as she looked at her sister while Edmund stared at her in disbelief as if she had gone crazy.

"Su," Edmund said, slowly. "You know perfectly well that if we return to that blasted house, Mrs. Macready will skin us alive! Or have you forgotten what she was threatening to do to us once she'd caught us?"

"And besides, you promised us that we would go and see Cair Paravel!" Lucy added.

"Yes, but--" Susan started to say but stopped. She knew she would lose if she would try to argue with her younger siblings. Especially when the two of them were on the same side. She didn't have the slightest idea why people thought of her as the stubborn one of the family when there are clearly two others who were worse than her.

Then she looked at Peter. The blonde hair boy (King? Nah, she still wasn't ready to call him that) was looking at her expectantly but his blue eyes lost the mischief they had back at the clearing. He and Mr. Tumnus were keeping something from her and her siblings, she was sure of it. About a... prophecy? Back at England, Susan was always the curious one. She liked to stick her nose on things she find interesting. And now that she was in a world completely different, strange, and dangerous (judging from that murderous Minotaur she had the unfortune to meet) from the one she grew up in, she found that she just had to be curious.

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