07 | arrivals

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DESPITE THE FACT THAT her irritation towards the blonde-haired King lessened during their conversation a few seconds ago, holding on to him even more tightly than before was the last thing Susan wanted. But she still wrapped her arms around Peter's waist firmly as Flisk galloped her way (more like flew, really) towards Cair Paravel that in a mere few seconds, they had overtaken Lucy and Edmund.

Clinging to Peter as if her life depended on it, Susan felt like she was about to throw-up.

Susan waa afraid of horses. Because of a certain nasty experience she had with those four-legged creatures, she swore to herself to never ride a horse again. If they were attached to a carriage, though, she has no problem with that. But on horseback? Forget it. (Of course, she has no problem coming up with this decision because horseback riding was no longer a mean of transportation in England.)

Earlier at the clearing, when she laid her eyes on Peter's unicorn and immediately fell in love with the creature, she forgot her terrifying history with horses, making her think to give Flisk a chance and agree to ride on him. Besides, she had thought, there was no other way to get to Cair Paravel. And there was also no way she'd traipse through the lands of Narnia to its capital on foot after her near-death experience. Might as well endure the fear of riding on horseback rather than die on the hands of a Minotaur.

But now, with the unicorn galloping (flying) so fast that she felt like she left her stomach about couple of leagues ago, her fear of horses came utterly rushing back. Her eyes were shut so tight that she was afraid she would never get them to open again.

She and Peter ducked when they encountered a tree branch jutting out in their path. She screamed when the unicorn leaped five feet to the air over a huge tree trunk lying on the ground. Peter laughed loudly at her reaction. Susan made a mental note to herself to punch him once they'd get to Cair.

Edmund, Lucy, and Mr. Tumnus were far behind them now but how far Susan didn't know. She didn't dare to look over her shoulder or even move at all.

Then they broke out of the forest. Behind them on the west, the sun was setting. And ahead of them, perched on a little hill overlooking the vast Eastern Sea, stood Cair Paravel, Narnia's shining capital and the home of her two thrones. Hanging on one of the castle's tallest turrets was a gold banner with a blood-red colored rearing lion etched on the middle.

For a few awed heartbeats, Susan forgot that she was still riding Flisk.

"Hold on tight," Peter said as he spurred Flisk to an even more faster gallop as they approached the steep side of the hill. Susan could see a small road, almost like a ledge, wounding around the hill all the way to the gates of the castle above. Flisk rode up the road until they passed the portcullis. Beyond it, the road continued on. About five minutes later, they passed a set of large, polished wooden doors and up into a large stone courtyard. A few feet away on their right, halfway between them and the flight of marble steps that led to two enormous double oak doors, was an apple tree. On their left, the stone courtyard continued on for a few feet until it ended into a sharp curve, jutting out over the sea below.

Flisk cantered towards the direction of the doors and came into a halt. Peter got off to the ground easily then half-lifted Susan off the unicorn. Muttering a soft "thanks" to the King, the daughter of Eve ran a hand through her hair to straighten her windblown and tangled raven locks.

"Well, that was some ride." Peter said, nuzzling Flisk's nose. He shot Susan a smile.

"Speak for yourself, Your Majesty," Susan grumbled in reply then turned around, looking towards the glittering seas and into the horizon.

"You're afraid of horses."

Susan turned back around to stare at him. The King's blue eyes glimmered mischievously as he stroked Flisk's nose casually. She was about to deny it but something tells her there was no lying to Peter about the matter. Her cheeks warmed. Was it really that obvious?

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