30 | visions

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He couldn't take her eyes off her.

They were at the castle's garden, sitting on the ground. Around them, daisies, roses, buttercups, and rhododendrons bloomed like crazy while they danced with the wind. Fauns and dryads were busy tending and watering the flowers but took great care not to get close to the King of Narnia and the Daughter of Eve so as not to disturb them. The sun was bright overhead, bathing the garden with warm light.

She was simply dressed in a long sleeved pink garb. Her raven hair was worn down, dancing around her face as the gentle breeze blow her way. She was chewing on the grapes the fauns gave her from their nearby grapevines. A trickle of juice dripped from her lips due to her careless munching and she wiped it away with her finger shamelessly which made him adore her even more.

She looked so simple... yet so perfect.

She was talking, droning on and on about how she loved Narnia. How it was very different from the place where she came from. How, in just mere days she already felt like this was where she really belonged all along, that this was her home. And how she and her siblings had no plans returning to their world because, really, there was nothing there for them to return to. Sure, there was the Professor that they came to adore but it was just him and no one else. They weren't even sure if they'd try to go back to their world they'd be able to come back to Narnia. And they weren't willing to take that risk.

He kept nodding whenever she paused and giving her his 'ahs' but, in all honesty, he wasn't listening. Okay, maybe he was listening but only a little. She was just so... distracting that he kept focusing more on her face, her lips, her hair, and her voice that he'd lost track of what she was saying. He kept forcing his mind to focus on her words but it would stubbornly refocus on her.

"Stop doing that,"

It took few seconds for him to realize that the words were for him. When he finally came to his senses, he found her hazel blue eyes staring at him.

"Doing what?"

"You're staring at me," she looked away, cheeks going red.


"It makes me uncomfortable."

He supressed a smile.

Tomorrow was the birthday ball for him and Peter. A week ago, he wouldn't have cared about it. But now, he was on the edge of panicking. Because he'd be going to the ball with a beautiful lady beside him. He could only wish his ladies-in-waiting would manage to make him look like the King he was and not like a troll.

But even though he kept thinking about the ball tomorrow night, his mind was going crazy at what he was planning to do that very moment.

He wanted to tell her everything. He wanted to tell her that ever since that morning she walked in into his life, she was all he could see. That every second of everyday, she was he could ever think about. That even though he only knew her for barely a week, he couldn't imagine a future without her.

He wanted to tell her that he was already in love with her.



"You're doing it again."

"I'm sorry. It's just... you're so--" Comely? Stunning? Beautiful? "...perfect."

Accidentally Falling | NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now