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Peter's diplomatic negotiations with Calormen came through successfully two days after Caspian's own successful voyage to Lone Islands. After Freesia's badgering of the two Kings that might or might not involve blackmails about losing meals for one month, Peter and Caspian gave their approval of hosting a celebratory ball.

The staff immediately busied themselves with the preparations, hustling and bustling around Cair. They plan to host the ball that Saturday. Freesia went commando, barking orders left and right to the her cooks and to the caretakers. She gave explicit directions not to let any of the royalties step foot on the kitchen. When Edmund went there one afternoon to sneak an apple after a tiring day of fencing lessons, Freesia chased him away with a spatula. He grumbled about it to Caspian but the King merely laughed. Him and Peter would have been a couple of sickly and malnourished Kings if it weren't for Freesia and her care. She was more than their head cook-- she was like their mother. So if she ever boss them around (that doesn't happen all the time, though; only if there are preparations for an upcoming events or food involve because Peter and Caspian are hopeless at preparations) the two Kings don't mind.

Peter and Caspian sent invitations to the ball to their neighboring countries. And one of their guests would be Prince Rabadash of Calormen.

At first, both of the Kings didn't want to invite him. Peter could still remember vividly the Prince's behaviour the last time they invited him to Cair Paravel. But they had no choice. They had just pulled through a diplomatic agreement with Rabadash's father, the Tisroc. The Tisroc was a sensitive man. He would see it an insult if Archenland was invited but not Calormen. And he has a large army, making him both a valuable ally and a difficult enemy. Caspian and Peter knew that they would need all the allies they have if they would have face the White Witch in battle.

When Edmund found out, he itched to meet the Prince. He knew what Rabadash had said to Susan months ago during the Kings' birthday ball and he yearned to smack Rabadash in the nose. He prayed that the Prince of Calormen would do something stupid during the upcoming event. That way, there would be a reasonable excuse to punch him the face without endangering any diplomatic agreement.

Peter and Caspian also invited King Lune of Archenland and his family. King Lune was a very close friend to the Kings, especially Peter. The Magnificent King had helped the King of Archenland find his missing son, Prince Cor. Peter and Caspian had also aided Archenland when Calormen tried to conquer them. Ever since then, King Lune had been one of the two Kings' strongest ally.

Lucy was excited. When she found out that the Archenlanders are coming to the ball, she couldn't wait to meet them. She had heard a lot about them from Mr. Tumnus' stories. Especially about the stories of the twin Princes.

She was excited to meet Prince Corin, the younger twin son of King Lune. He and his twin brother, Cor, were almost the same age as Edmund. She heard how Corin easily relinquished his claim to the throne of Archenland after Cor was found. Having heard a lot of court stories when she was still living in England, Lucy knew how a crown can easily corrupt people's minds. According to Mr. Tumnus, Corin had no interest in being King all along and was more than willing to let his long lost twin brother be the heir when Cor returned to court. Of course, Lucy knew that Cor was the rightful heir because he was the older of the twins but still, she couldn't help but be in awe at Corin.

But then again, Lucy was living in a country where the crown was shared by two brothers.

As for Susan, she couldn't wait for the ball to be over. She didn't like the idea of being ogled from head to toe again. And she liked even less the idea of seeing Rabadash again. She didn't know what she would do if the Prince would try to talk to her again the way he talked to her last time. Stab him with an arrow maybe but she knew it would only lead to war. Aslan knows she already have a pending prophecy foretelling war against the White Witch. She didn't need another.

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