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Dance? If there was one art in theater that Susan hated the most, it's dance.

Back at England, they used to have various lessons about the different types of dances and she hated them. She could definitely dance but she hated doing it. She had refused to dance in front of the whole class when her teacher asked her to. She had refused to dance in front of the said teacher even though she knew it was the final exam for passing the subject. Heck, she had even rebuffed a guy who she had a huge crush with when he asked her to go with him to one of the school dances. Dancing in the center of the Great Hall with all these people from different places that she barely know? Yeah, she thought, forget it.

"I'm sorry, Caspian, but--" Susan said, slowly so that she wouldn't hurt his feelings. "I just... I don't dance."

"Oh, come on," the King stood up from his chair. "Just follow my lead. And, besides, I know you're a fast learner. You can learn to dance in a matter of seconds."

Susan laughed. She knew that if it was other guys (even the said guy she had a crush on at England) she'd give them a punch on the face for even implying she couldn't dance. But it was Caspian. And she found it cute that he thought she had two feet. "It's not that I don't know how to dance," she reasoned. "I just... don't like to dance."

"Please?" he held out his hand, his chocolate brown eyes pleading.

Damn those baby browns, she thought.

"Caspian, really--" Susan said, stammering, looking away for a few seconds to avoid his tempting gaze. "I don't--"

"Your Majesties," a faun suddenly appeared out of nowhere and interrupted Susan, which she was really grateful for. She didn't know if she can rebuff Caspian when he's flashing those damn, beautiful brown eyes at her. She felt so relieved that she didn't even correct the faun for calling her "Your Majesty."

These past few days, the palace staff had been treating Susan and her siblings like royalties. Especially her. They were constantly calling her "My Lady" and "Your Highness" and "Your Majesty" that she just wanted to barf. She was just a common girl, for crying out loud. Sure, she and her siblings were prophesized to save Narnia but they were just common people. They couldn't even hold their teacups right when out in an afternoon tea with Peter and Caspian.

Susan had already told this fact to anyone who would call her those titles but she would just get a smile in return, which frustrates her.

But what frustrates her even more was that Edmund seemed to love being called "My Lord" and Lucy seemed to blush everytime people call her "My Lady" and then giggle.

That kind of talking also made Susan nervous and scared. What if she would fail to save Narnia? What if, because of her, there will be no Narnia to be a "Your Majesty" of?

Susan shook her head mentally.

Faith, she thought. You've got to have faith.

"My King," the faun said, bringing Susan back to the present. "Aslan requests your presence."

At the mention of the Great Lion's name, Susan shivered a little. She had not seen Aslan ever since her first night in Narnia when he told her about the prophecy.

"Aslan?" Caspian asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "He's here?"

"Yes, Your Highness," the faun replied. "And he said that it is of the most utmost importance that he talks with you."

Caspian looked at Susan. It was clear in his eyes that he still wants that dance.

"Go," Susan said, gently. "It's Aslan. You don't want to keep him waiting."

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