37 | secrets

616 32 16

"He's starting to suspect who he is."

Aslan couldn't help but look incredulously at the Emperor who was in his favorite human form. They were both once again in the Emperor's massive quarters, the pool in front of them reflected bluish light around the enormous room. The waters rippled as the Emperor stared at them unblinking. Aslan couldn't see any image from the magical pool but he knew his father could.

"How could you hide this from me?" Aslan's once powerful voice was almost a whisper. "All these years?"

"It was for the greater good, my son." the Emperor responded.

He didn't look at Aslan. He merely stared down at the pool in concentration as if everything around them would crumble into dust the second he'd look away. This made Aslan growl a little in his throat. He was also in his human form, a form he barely use. But at the moment, he decided it would be appropriate. He couldn't afford to think what would happen in this massive room if he was in his lion form and he'd roar in frustration. Of course, that didn't mean he still couldn't bring down the room even if he was in a form that limited his powers.

"Greater good?" Aslan echoed, his dark eyebrows going up. "Father, you messed with their lives!"

"Maybe it's that Witch," the Emperor murmured, still focused on the pool. Whether he was talking to himself or to him, Aslan wasn't quite sure. "Maybe she's manipulating his dreams."

"Father," it took all of Aslan's willpower not to bellow. "Are you even listening to me?"

The Emperor fixed his old blue eyes to Aslan's face. They seemed distracted, sad, and full of regrets. "Yes."

"And Peter?" Aslan couldn't help his face from contorting in slight rage. "The truth about who he really is?"

The Emperor looked away from Aslan's dark and burning gaze. He returned his attention to the glowing pool in front of him.

Aslan turned away his head in irritation and anger. So many secrets. So many things his father hid from him that could unravel everything if the two Kings would find out.

"If the Witch will succeed in swaying Caspian to her side," the Emperor spoke. "She will be more stronger and more powerful than ever."

"How could she even convince anyone to join her side when she's not even strong enough to achieve a physical form."

"Her ability to manipulate dreams," the Emperor responded. "This has always been her key in gathering forces." He heaved a deep breath. "If Caspian will join her, she will be unstoppable."

Aslan glared at his father. He was still trembling with anger why the Emperor kept so many things from him. He was also mad at himself at why he didn't see clearly about all these before. All the people in all the worlds he had been watching saw him as an all-knowing entity and yet, he didn't even know that his own father interfered on the lives of two people.

"So you knew all along?" Aslan asked, willing his voice to stay calm. "That he is her son? Even when Peter and Caspian first led the rebellion to vanquish her?"

The Emperor didn't answer. Aslan was starting to get annoyed. Was he not speaking loud enough?

But his lack response was an answer in on itself.

"And yet you didn't do anything," Aslan stated.

"Did you expect me to reveal Caspian's heritage-- or Peter's-- when they were winning against the Witch?" the Emperor answered. "It would have distracted them."

Aslan ran his human hands on his face to rein in his frustrations. It would not do any good if he'd started telling his father how every part of his sentence was wrong. How Caspian and Peter deserved the truth even if they had been in a very critical position. It would do no good anymore.

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