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May 15, 2020

Hey, guys! How're you doing? I feel the need to ask since my country, the Philippines, is one of the heavily affected countries in Asia by this covid-19 pandemic and life has been pretty hard lately. But how about you guys? Are you doing okay?

I have been planning to write this part after I finished the book a year ago but I never got started. Let's just say I have been inspired a lot lately (and was blinded by nostalgia so hard after binge-watching Narnia 1 & 2 that I actually cried) that I finally got my thoughts for this chapter in order.

Writing this has been kind of a mental health break for me. I recently lost someone very dear and very close to me. With that and this pandemic, my year has been really difficult (understatement of the decade). And writing this has been a breath of fresh air.

Anywaaaays, I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. As the title suggests, it is set between chapter 54 and the epilogue.


Breathe, Susan Pevensie, she thought as she closed her eyes. That's right. Just breathe.

But Susan Pevensie couldn't. She hadn't been able to breathe after Peter's proposal that night in the rain. She hadn't been able to breathe one week later when he gave her the ring, a huge sapphire blue rock surrounded by sparkling diamonds. She hadn't been able to breathe when three days after that, the announcement was made and the whole of Narnia, its neighboring countries, and even the islands across the Eastern Sea knew that King Peter the Magnificent was set to marry that girl from another world. And she hadn't been able to breathe three days ago when Aslan came, summoned the privy council, and proclaimed Peter High King over all Kings of Narnia, to be formally coronated along with Susan on their wedding day (so that was why Aslan had commissioned the two thrones of Narnia to be revamped two months ago.)

So was it really a mystery why now, as last-second details were settled down around her and four ladies-in-waiting hustled and bustled around her to transform her from head to toe, she still couldn't breathe? She had tried to nap through the whole ordeal but her racing heartbeat made it impossible.

Breathe, for heaven's sake!

"Your Majesty," Lydia said softly behind Susan. The eldest Pevensie's eyelids fluttered open, expecting four pairs of eyes looking at her but it was only Lydia. Yet when she looked around, Ayla was standing by her wardrobe, Susan's blue cape on her hand, and Alice and Willa were on Susan's right, holding up her dress.

Her wedding dress.

"Oh, Su!" a voice exclaimed by the door, out of sight from Susan who had a hard time moving her head much because of the delicate braid of her long raven locks. But she knew who it was.

Lucy Pevensie stepped in front of her, dressed in a shimmery rose gold gown with her hair in a side braid that fell right down her right shoulder. A small crown made of silver in the shape of small flowers was nestled atop her head. She looked beautiful.

"Not now, Lu," Susan muttered, face scrunched. At the sight of her wedding dress, butterflies started tap dancing in her gut. Her fingers yearned to clutch the robe she was wearing but her nails were recently painted and polished and she didn't want to go through the whole process again. "I don't feel so well."

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