14 | discomforts

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"Hey," Caspian approached Susan who was sitting at the table that ran parallel against the right side of the hall. "Are you alright?"

Susan looked up at him, blinking. She was enjoying watching Edmund and Lucy dancing at the middle of the hall. They were dancing this silly dance that they'd been doing since forever back at England. They weren't the only ones on the dance floor, though. Some of the guests were there too. But they didn't seem to mind the two Pevensie siblings doing a ridiculous tap dance around them.

"Hi," Susan said, smiling up at him. "I'm fine."

"You got that faraway look in your eyes." Caspian said, occupying the chair next to her. "What are you thinking?"

"Oh," Susan returned her gaze back to her siblings, who both had stopped dancing and were now laughing, clutching tightly at their sides. "I was just... wondering how my siblings managed to enjoy themselves."

"Why?" asked Caspian. "You're not enjoying the ball?"

Not even a little bit. But Susan didn't want to say that to Caspian. It was his birthday party, after all. She couldn't very well confess to his face that she would give anything to just leave and shoot some arrows at the archery arena.

"It's not that I'm not enjoying, it's just..." Susan looked shyly at Caspian. "I'm not used to this kind of thing."

Caspian chuckled, his chocolate brown eyes glimmering. "Well, you better get used to it, My Lady, because you live here now. Cair hosts royal balls almost everytime and I would hate it if I go alone."

Susan smirked at that. "What if I don't want to get used to it?"

"Well," Caspian smiled mischievously, lowering his voice. "You wouldn't want me seeking another partner, would you?"

Susan blushed, turning his gaze away from Caspian's burning ones.

Before she could answer however, Susan saw Edmund and Lucy approaching their table. Both were red in the face due to their intense laughing, Susan guessed. They were still laughing when they got to the table.

Both Edmund and Lucy were dressed in Narnian garbs. Lucy was in a pink dress, and her hair-- which had already grown an inch or two-- was worn down around her shoulders. Earlier that night, her blonde-hair had been sleek and shiny but right now, it looked like a bird's nest. Edmund wore a black tunic over a gray shirt. He had grown muscles after his five days of swordfighting lessons, making his shoulders broad and his physical build firm. He looked like a couple of years older than his actual thirteen-year-old self.

So many changes had happened these past few days that Susan couldn't believe that they were just here for only five days. Even she felt... different. She no longer felt like sixteen years old. She felt more adult than that.

Well, she figured, if time here really is different from our world then, my seventeenth birthday could have already passed. Or my eighteenth.

Susan shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She'd drive herself crazy thinking about these things. She had just discovered and absorbed the fact that, yes, those Olympians gods really do exist (she had met Dionysus-- no, Bacchus-- the day before.) She wasn't sure if she was ready to tackle time topics yet. Instead, she focused on Edmund and Lucy who had now reached their table and chattering to each other loudly.

"Did you see the look on that lord's face?" Lucy exclaimed. "Priceless!"

Edmund chuckled. "He looked really surprised, all right."

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" Susan smiled at her siblings.

"Oh, yes, Su," Edmund beamed. "The ball here is so much different than ours back at England."

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