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"You look beautiful tonight, Su," Caspian said as he swayed himself and Susan along with the fauns' music.

"Thank you," Susan replied and etched a smile on her lips, although her mind wasn't in on it. Caspian had just called her by her nickname, the same nickname she was always sensitive about. And yet, it didn't brought any emotions from her. It didn't send goosebumps up her arms or make her shiver. She mentally shook her head, clearing it all of inappropriate thoughts. "You look handsome, too."

"Oh," Caspian smirked, twirling her around under his arms. "I was hoping to attract the attention of a certain Daughter of Eve, you see."

"Really?" Susan responded, her voice matching her partner's playful tone. "And did you?"

"Well, since she's dancing with me, I'd like to think I succeeded."

Susan chuckled although the comment made her a bit uncomfortable. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to her. Why was she suddenly like this? Caspian's compliments always made her fee like a thousand butterflies were tapdancing in her stomach. But now, at that moment in his arms, why was she suddenly felt like running away? To just leave that Great Hall and run to the shore and question her life choices? To just scream out her feelings?

But she knew she shouldn't leave. She couldn't leave. Because she loved Caspian. She really do. Even though he didn't send a jolt of electricity up her spine when he called her by her nickname unlike a certain blonde-haired person, she loved him.

And, besides, hadn't she already decided? She already chose him over the said blonde-haired person, for heaven's sake! Hadn't she already decided to forget everything that happened for the last couple of months? Hadn't she already convinced herself that what she was doing was right?

But was she seeking more of that kiss that kept her up all night?

Susan gritted her teeth and refocused her attention to the present. She stared up to meet Caspian's eyes, glittering mischievously. His chocolate brown eyes somehow calmed her whirlwind of a brain. "You sound so confident. Don't you think I am only doing this because I feel guilty I denied you a dance during your birthday?"

Caspian froze momentarily at her words, his hand almost slipping from Susan's back. He could feel the smile slowly disappearing from his lips as he thought about what she said.

Why did he get the feeling that Susan meant it? Why could he see in her eyes the confirmation about all of the things that drove him crazy ever since the Witch showed him that field?

But then Susan's lips cracked into a small smile. Her hazel blue eyes suddenly shone with amusement and she let out a low laugh. And it seemed like a huge weight was taken off his shoulders.

The Witch is making you crazy, Caspian, he thought.

"Do you?" he took the lead of their dance again, swaying slowly.

"Maybe," she smirked playfully, shrugging.

"Don't worry," he assured her, winking. "I'll show you my amazing dance skills and you'll be dancing with me out of liking in no time." He grinned.

"I already told you, I'm not a fan of dancing, Your Majesty."

"Eh, you're saying that now. Just wait and see how I waltz perfectly."

Susan couldn't help but laugh at that. She had to admit that she missed this. How she and Caspian easily talk and banter with each other comfortably. That was the reason she liked him in the first place. Because he showed her that she could actually be comfortable with a person from the opposite gender. Aslan knows how she was very crappy at that back in England.

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