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Another short filler chapter. 😁 Again, you've been warned.


Lucy was getting a little frustrated with each passing second. Her feet hurt and her knees wanted to buckle beneath her for wandering the whole of Cair Paravel, trying to find her sister.

Lucy knew Susan and Edmund were summoned to a meeting in the council room by Peter but it had long been adjourned now; Lucy already saw Edmund in the kitchen hours ago. She went to the council room but she wasn't there. She had gone to the library three times, thinking her elder sister might have just been hiding behind five piles of books she was reading. When she went to the garden, thinking Susan might have just been helping with the fauns tending the white roses she had come to adore, she wasn't there. Her bedchambers were empty, too.

The day before she had promised Lucy that today they'd ride to Beruna, Narnia's chief village. It was only a few hours ride from Cair Paravel and Lucy had always wanted to go there. She loved Cair Paravel but after a month with nothing to do but to wander around the castle, she wanted a change of scenery. Susan, being Susan, didn't want her to go alone and decided to go with her.

So now, Lucy thought, where is she?

Lucy decided to look for her brother. The both of them had attended the council meeting. Maybe he knew where Susan was.

Lucy headed to the courtyard, perfectly sure that her brother was there. Aside from his bedchambers which was recently given to him (which Lucy felt absolutely grateful for because she didn't know how much more she could of take her brother's snores) it was his favorite place in Cair. Lucy doubted Edmund had explored the whole castle considering he spend almost all his waking hours there.

As Lucy made her way to the courtyard, palace courtiers and staff alike bowed to her as she passed them which both flattered her and made her uncomfortable. She was just a twelve-year-old girl! Despite the fact that she felt more mature than what her true age entails, she was barely a young lady. Courtiers and servants bowing to her and calling her titles felt... weird.

When she got to the courtyard, she found Edmund doing swordfighting exercises by himself. He was almost by the sharp curved-edge, a few yards from the oaken front doors of the castle, overlooking the sea below. Lucy heaved a sigh and jogged towards him.

"Lucy," Edmund stopped his actions as he saw his sister running towards him. "Come to wait for sunset out here, are you? Just don't get too close to me or you'll be decapitated." He hefted his sword.

"Actually," Lucy took two deep breaths. "I'm looking for Susan. We're supposed to have gone to Beruna three hours ago but she has disappeared." She looked at her brother. "Have you seen her?"

"No," Edmund shook his head. "Have you checked the council room? I left her there with Peter when our meeting adjourned."

"She's not there."

"Maybe she's off practicing archery in her 'secret place.' Wherever that is."

"Well, then..." Lucy slid to the ground against the waist-high marble parapet of the courtyard. "...she could have left a message instead of letting me wander around Cair for almost the whole afternoon." She took off her laced sandals and massaged her feet.

"Shouldn't have done that." Edmund nodded at her position on the ground. "Freesia will be absolutely mad if she'd knew what you've done to your new dress."

"Oh, whatever." Lucy grumbled in reply, continuously pressing her fingers against her toes. "My feet hurt and Freesia could starve me for a week for all I care."

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