53 | decisions

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Peter quickly scrambled out of Caspian's way.

Susan took a step back.

All the voices around them seemed to blur into the background and all that was left were Caspian's splitting screams and his words resounding in their heads over and over.

I must die.

I must die.

I must die.

"Quickly!" Caspian screamed, trembling from his kneeling position on the ground as he put both his hands on his head. Blindly, he groped for his sword around him but he found nothing.

Peter and Susan stared at each other, the looks in their blue eyes mirrored each other. Horror, shock, and disbelief.

Peter was the first who recovered, though his eyes were starting to cloud over. He put his hands on his brother's wrists, trying to get him to look at him. "That's not gonna happen."

"I must! And I must do it myself." Caspian tightenend his hands around his head even more, his eyes clamped shut so tightly that Peter wondered if they were gonna open again. "I'm the only one who--" He interrupted himself by screaming again.

Peter watched on, feeling like his chest was tearing to pieces as Caspian gripped his head like he was about to take it off his shoulders. He could feel the tears starting to flow through his cheeks.

"No, Caspian," Susan said. "I'm sure that's not the only way--"

"It is, Susan!" Caspian's head whipped up and he looked at Susan, his eyes wild. "This body is invincible. But I know one spot where it isn't-- but she's fighting me!"

Peter and Susan looked at each other with a crazed look in both their blue orbs.

If what Caspian said was true, that the body is invincible, then they have no hope in defeating the Witch. Unless they would try to find the one spot where the body could be penetrated but both of them doubted that the Witch would stay still while they do that; they could see how much it took Caspian to tell them about it all. And even if Peter and Susan tried not to think about giving Caspian a blade, how were they certain that if they would give him one the Witch wouldn't take over his body and kill them? And if Caspian could really manage to control the Witch long enough to kill her, it meant killing himself, too.

They have never felt so helpless in their life.

Susan tried to look around for Aslan but the Great Lion seemed to disappear. A sob was threatening to break free from her throat.

Peter's chest felt like it was being ripped to shreds.

Caspian was pleading now. "Please. I don't know if I can hold her much longer--" Both of his trembling hands were held out in front of him towards Susan.

Peter and Susan locked gazes again, both their blue eyes seemed to lost their colors.

And, in that moment, as Caspian continued to plead, the both of them knew what they were about to do.

Susan gave Peter the dagger she was clutching so tightly. Peter looked at the dagger for a few seconds, feeling its weight. He placed his other hand on the back of Caspian's head and rested their foreheads against each other. Peter then placed the dagger on Caspian's hand and got up to his feet.

Caspian took one ragged breath after another. The look in his eyes made Susan think that he was using all his strength left to keep the Witch from using the dagger to strike her and Peter dead.

Caspian looked at her and she felt like breaking then and there. Then he stared at Peter, and his gaze softened.

Caspian loosened his armor, undoing the straps and exposing the skin just above his waistline. Then, with difficulty, as if a strong force was stopping his arm from doing it, drove the dagger into his side.

The black-haired King of Narnia screamed in agony. The battlefield shook, sending Peter and Susan tumbling to the ground. A bluish white energy exploded outward from Caspian's body, blinding everyone around him. On the ground, with the white light striking fiercely, Susan could see a silhouette of a man kneeling but her eyes hurt so much that she shut them close tightly.

When the light receded, Caspian was lying on the ground bleeding, gasping for breath. Peter and Susan scrambled towards him. Peter gripped his hand while Susan stroke his cheeks.

"Caspian," Peter said softly, tears cascading from his blue eyes.

"Pete..." Caspian managed to say. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm--"

"No, brother," Peter said. "This is not your fault."

Caspian turned his gaze to Susan. "Su," he heaved a breath. "Did you--" he coughed violently. "--did you love me?"

"I--" Susan said, hesitating. She looked straight to his eyes, now brown. Then she looked at Peter. She wiped his tears away from her cheeks and looked back at Caspian. "I did. I feel-- I am different when I'm with you."

"But you are yourself when you're with Peter," Caspian said, smiling, his lips glistening red.

"Caspian--" Susan started to say.

"It's okay," he coughed again. "I love you. I love you both. And there is no one better to lead the people of Narnia than the two of you. Together."

Caspian coughed violently again, his whole body shaking. More tears cascaded from Peter's cheeks. Susan closed her eyes, biting her lips.

"Pete," Caspian clutched Peter's hand tightly back. "Promise me-- take care of her."

Her. Narnia. Susan. All rolled into one.

Peter remembered when Caspian said that exact same thing to him that one morning long ago. He was also leaving back then. Although, this time, Peter knew he was not coming back.

"Always. I promise." he answered.

Caspian smiled sofly. Then his hands went slack.

Peter and Susan didn't move. They knew the war was over around them, although how it ended they didn't know nor care. They remained where they were, still clinging to the hands of the person they both love.

"It's time," a voice spoke behind them. When the both of them turned to look, it was Aslan.

The Great Lion padded softly towards them. When he towered over them, he breathed on Peter and Susan's heads, the warmth from it made the hollow feeling in their chests lessen and the color in their eyes return.

Then Aslan breathed on Caspian's pale face. It took longer than when he did it on Peter and Susan but the both of them failed to notice it. Because, one moment, they were clutching Caspian's lifeless hands, and the next, they were clutching empty air.

When they looked up, Aslan was no longer there.

And around them, the war was won.


One more chapter left and then the Epilogue. Please please please don't forget to vote.

This is it; almost there. 😂

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