42 | riddles

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"King Caspian," an oily voice spoke behind the black-haired King as he made his way behind a column, bent on looking for the two younger Pevensies. "Enjoying the party?"

Caspian turned around and saw Prince Rabadash of Calormen, leaning against the said column and holding a glass of wine. He sipped casually from it and grinned at Caspian, looking like he owned Cair Paravel.

Had Caspian mentioned before how he disliked Prince Rabadash of Calormen?

"Yes, actually, Your Highness," Caspian said, etching a smile on his face even though his lips twitched in protest. It would not do to have his distate towards the Prince show. Peter had worked hard to finally and officially seal peace with Calormen and Caspian wouldn't want it to go in vain. "How about you?"

"Never better, thank you for asking." Rabadash then took another sip from his glass of wine. "It's nice of you and King Peter to invite me here tonight after my... behavior last time. I'm sure, His Majesty told you about it?" The words His Majesty came out almost like a mock and Caspian's hands clenched involuntarily.

Rabadash's aversion of Peter was always known to Caspian. He knew it was mainly because Peter had always been better at him at combat and Rabadash was too arrogant to accept it. No matter how many times he had challenged Peter to a single combat at every tournament there was for the whole two years of Caspian and Peter's reign, he still couldn't win. But it was also because the Prince had taken interest with the Lady Elizabeth of Archenland but his marriage proposals had all been denied because the Elizabeth fancied Peter.

Caspian knew that Rabadash disliked him, too. But with Peter, his aversion was bordering on hate.

"Do you mean your harsh words about Narnia?" Caspian asked.

The Prince bowed his head. "My sincere apologies for that, Your Highness. I was intoxicated and wasn't myself."

"Will you also apologize for your behavior towards the Lady Susan?"

Rabadash looked at him, his black eyes piercing. Then he raised an eyebrow, an arrogant look making its way to his face. "Of course, he'd tell you about that."

Caspian was about to tell him that it was Susan herself who told him about his drunken behavior towards her, but the Prince's arrogant expression and smirk confused and stilled him for a few seconds. "What do you mean?"

Rabadash tilted his turbanned head, his eyebrow raising even more. "Do you not see it?"

"See what?"

Then the Prince laughed. He downed the remaining contents of the wine glass he was holding then wiped a fist across his lips. "You will see it soon enough, Your Highness." He placed the empty glass on the table near him. "I see that you got the girl." He said, motioning towards the dance floor where they could see Susan dancing with Cor.

Caspian's thoughts were reeling with the Prince's insinuating words but as the latter ones left his mouth, the King of Narnia felt a flash of irritation. He spoke as if Susan was merely a something one could easily get.

The King of Narnia breathed deeply to bite back the angry words that were surfacing in his throat. He didn't respond to the Prince.

Rabadash turned his attention from the dance floor to Caspian. "I'd keep her close, if I were you, Your Majesty," he said, that arrogant smirk of his plastered lightly on his face once again.

Caspian flashed him a smile of his own. "Lady Susan had survived an ambush with only a scar on her arm. She doesn't need my protection. But I'll keep that in mind, Your Highness."

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