Chapter 10 The Fight & The Kiss

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We crept down the stairs me behind Damian. Who was here? I heard the footsteps coming from my kitchen. We froze in unison. The towering figure had his back to us. I was terrified. How had he gotten in? Damian turned to face me. He gestured for me to be silent. I nodded. We started toward the kitchen together. The blade, the one I had stabbed Damian with was in my hand poised to strike. The man in the kitchen turned around to face us.

He was huge. The way he looked at us was like a lion hunting it's prey. I felt only a tiny bit protected by Damian as he stood in front of me. The man chuckled. "What are you doing here you lowlife." He spat at Damian. Damian's hands balled into fists. "I could say the same for you asshole." My eyes widened at Damian's comment. Was he trying to get us killed? The man's smile was like the devils. "Just have some unfinished business to attend to." "When we killed Lauren we thought her brat was with her." "I guess we were wrong." He advanced towards us.

But Damian was ready. You could see it in the way his body coiled. Damian slid under his parted legs, he stood up on the other side of him grabbing a pot from my stove. As soon a the man turned around to face Damian the pot cracked across his face. He rocked back using the counter top to stabilize himself. I slashed at his back from behind, leaving giant slits through his shirt and skin. He yelped in pain. Kicking out with his foot he disposed of Damian flinging him into my living room. He spun on me with anger in his cold eyes. "You're both dead!" He screamed. The knife was still in my hand I had to dispose of this guy quickly. I slashed out striking his knee cap. I then bolted for the door.

Once outside I could here struggling in the house the door kicked in and the man through Damian back behind him. He landed hard. The door was still open and I could see how bad Damian looked. He walked over to Damian and kicked him in the back of the head. He finally grabbed Damian and through him back into my kitchen. I couldn't see him anymore. I was terrified. I still had the knife in my hand. What was I going to do? Then it hit me I'd use the term "the bigger they are the harder they fall" literally. I'd use the same trick I had used earlier on Damian. I hid next to the front wall of my house. It only took moments for him to come storming out of the house. He walked right past where I was. Now was my chance. Taking off with all the speed I had I launched myself at him jumping onto his back. He didn't expect that. Struggling to stay on I almost fell over I couldn't mess this up. With all the strength I had I raised my arms and then came down harder than I ever thought I could. The knife sunk into his head. He let out a horrendous scream. Blood covered my shirt spattering my face to. He started to fall forward. My knife was still in him I clung onto it riding him like a bull as he face planted forward onto my grass. He was dead. I killed him. I KILLED him.

I removed the knife panting. Rolling to the side I landed face up. The stars were above me. I recognized the Big Dipper and cancer. There were a few other constellations I could see but I was to tired to name them to myself. I was so tired. My body ached, my limbs felt like they were on fire. My spine was ablaze. Dying peacefully sounded good right about now. But I'm too young for that. I thought. I sat up getting to my feet. My house was quiet nothing could be heard from inside. Where was Damian? I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I was scared what if he was dead. What if the man I had just stabbed killed him when he threw him into my kitchen? Where was he? The door to my house finally swung open and held my knife in the attack position. It could be one of this evil man's friends coming to take revenge. I was reading for anything.

But the knife slipped out of my fingers as soon as I saw who it was. Damian stepped onto my front porch, he had some cuts and bruises. But all together he looked fine. He was looking inside until he slammed the door. He turned around to face me. He exhaled and started quickly coming down my steps.

I couldn't take it anymore. I started making my way toward him. He was alive and okay. Or somewhat okay. It didn't matter. We collided on the grass, my arms wound around his neck as he pulled me closer planting a hot kiss to my lips. I was never going to let him go. I kissed him back. He smelled like dirt and sweat. I probably did to but he didn't seem to care. His arms held tightly to the small of my back pulling me closer and closer.

Just like when he first told me his name I felt dizzy. Our mouths moved together saying things that our words could not. I felt safe. He protected me. All my fears were washed away. He finally pulled away breaking off the kiss. "It's ok dove." "I'm here." He said breathless. "I'll always be here." "I've got you." I rested my head in the crook of his neck. I closed my eyes soaking in his warmth. My breathing was becoming steadier. My heart was slowing down. "Dove?" He said into my ear. "We can't stay here." "It's not safe." I pulled away to look at him. I nodded. But where would we go? He grabbed my hand lacing his fingers with mine. Pulling me away from my front yard we headed down the street toward the little patch of forest that I had first met Damian in. My head swiveled around to look at my home one last time before we disappeared into the thicket of trees.

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