Chapter 27 A Small Smile

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  The entire lot is encased in flames in a matter of minutes as one explosion creates the next, and then the next as we pass out of the gated entrance, just barely feeling the ripple effect that the explosions create. Ha! I think. Take that Lauren!

We swerve down the road from the mansion, Oregon air whipping into the cab of the truck as I pull Samantha against me. "I can't believed that worked!" Samantha's father says as he keeps his eyes on the road ahead of us. I sigh relieved. "Me either." In the review mirror I can see a giant cloud of smoke rising from the parking lot, it's spiraling thickness clouding out Lauren's extravagant mansion. It's mesmerizing, it's-.

My thought is cut off by Samantha's father's sudden words. "So, where to next?" I look across from Samantha to meet his eyes. "Not your house." "Or mine." "Somebody from the party could track us back to either of those locations." "It needs to be somewhere safe." His face scrunches in thought. I do the same as-.

  Samantha's body next to me takes in a shuddering gasp, scarring the both of us and making Samantha's father swerve. Her eyes are open and dazed as she begrudgingly brings them up to look at me, there the same flowing blue energy spiraled within her irises. She almost looks like she's possessed. Samantha's eyes start to water as she try's to speak. "Ca-bin." Scared, I have to bring my face closer to her's to hear her broken words. "Cab-in." Her softly cracked lips say again stuttering with a shakey breath as they brush against my ear. I draw my face back, eyes wide, and watch as she plummets back into the darkness, her glowing cobalt blue eyes closing.

"What did she say!" "What did she say!" Samantha's father shoots at me rapidly. I don't think he saw her eyes. All of a sudden my throat is super dry and I have to clear it loudly just to speak. "She-." "She said cabin." "Cabin, what does that mean?" My face is filled with concern and puzzlement as I look at Samantha's father.

He hits the steering wheel.

I jump even though I have Samantha on me. Samantha's father's smile is bigger then the crescent moon. "Cabin." "Cabin." "The cabin." "What on earth would we do without you Samantha." He says looking down at her for a few seconds. I'm still looking at him puzzled when he meets my eyes. "Oh!" "Sorry, right." "Samantha helped me pick out and buy a cabin after Lauren "died"." He said lifting both of his first fingers and middle fingers on the steering wheel and scrunching them up and down in makeshift quotation marks. "It was supposed to be a vacation home for us, to get away from our house where all of my wife's things were." "It was just making us depressed, but we couldn't build up the courage to get rid of any of her things, but I guess using it as a hideout from my evil wife isn't to bad either." I nodded, scoffing at his words. A moment of silence passed between us before he spoke again. "I just wanted to say thank you, for saving Samantha." "When I couldn't." I nodded. "Thank you, but I didn't really save her." "I think she saved herself." My eyes drift downward to look at Samantha's sleeping face, her soft features putting the chaos within me at rest. I can feel Samantha's father's eyes on us but I don't really care as I bring my mouth down to peck her icy cold forehead, a small smile just beginning to play on her lips.

(I'm getting very close to the end and I would be greatly appreciative if you could please click that star and vote! Thank you!)

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