You Can Call Me Jennifer

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March 14, 2018
The homestretch of my day at work was almost over. Ever since my ex-girlfriend broke up with me, I've been taking on more hours at my practice. I've got nothing else to do— might as well put my MD to its full use and help out the other doctors in the clinic. I yawned, leaning back against the wall neighboring the reception desk.

"Long day?" Gail, one of my receptionists, asked.

"Longer than yesterday"

"Well tomorrow will be longer, doctor"

"How many appointments do I have left?"

"Three. You should be out of here by 4:00"

"Not so bad." Just then, a woman walked through the doors of my clinic. I couldn't take my eyes off her— she was just my type. She took a seat at the east window of my office with a small boy, presumably her son. I leaned over Gail's shoulder and asked, "Soooo who's that over there?"

"That's your 1:00, Henry LaMontagne, you'll be seeing him in a few minutes. It's actually his first visit t—"

I nodded and interrupted her, "Uh huh, uh huh and who's umm... who's that with him?"

Gail spun around in her chair, "No. You're not hitting on clients again."

"My 'clients' are the kids, Gail, not the parents. The parents are free range. Who. Is. That."

"You saw what happened with Jade, do you really wanna—"

"Don't say her name. Can't stand her name. And yes I wanna. This one is different."

Gail spun around again, "Well you're on your own, Emily, I'm not helping you with this one." I scoffed and threw my white coat on, getting ready to meet my next patient. And his mom. After Henry was situated in a room and seen by a nurse, it was my turn to visit him. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it before entering.

"Hi guys, I'm Dr. Prentiss— You must be Henry, huh?" He nodded. I could tell he was very shy. I sanitized my hands and then went to go greet the woman who accompanied him, "You must be mom then, right?"

She reached out to shake my hand, "Yes, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard wonderful things about your practice."

"Oh, yes it's your first time with us isn't it? We're just here for a routine exam then?"

"Yes, when I called to register Henry, a nurse told us to make an appointment for some standard measurements and tests." I nodded and kneeled down by Henry so I was at his level.

"How you feelin' today, Henry?"

He blushed, "Good"

I smiled at him, "How old are you, buddy?"


"Three?! I would've guessed twenty three, you're so big!" He giggled and started to warm up to me. I took my stethoscope off my neck and said, "This weird looking thing is called a stethoscope. I can put these in my ears, and press this to your chest and listen to your heart. Can I do that?"

"Is gonna hurt?"

"No, no it won't hurt a bit. I promise" He gave me permission and I listened in on his heart, telling him to take deep breaths in between. Everything sounded good so I stood back up and said, "Okay I'm gonna have a nurse come in and take him to get weighed and measured," I opened the door and leaned against the frame, "Jessie! Can you take Henry for his measurements?" One of my nurses came in, introduced herself to Henry, and then led him out of the exam room.

His mom started to stand up, "Should I um... should I go with him?"

"You're welcome to if you'd like, but he's just down the hall a few feet away and he'll be back in a minute or two." She took a seat back in her chair. Now's my chance, "So uh.. Mrs. LaMontagne, what made you choose my practice?"

"Oh, I'm— my last name isn't LaMontagne. Henry's father and I aren't together anymore."

"Oh, forgive me... I wasn't aware"

"It's no problem... you can call me Jennifer, doctor," she smiled at me, "Henry and I moved out of his dad's place and our last pediatrician is near there and he honestly wasn't good enough to endure the commute."

"Who'd you have?"


I made a face, "Ooh yeah he's no good," Jennifer laughed and it was the most adorable sound I'd ever heard, "You're much better off here, Jennifer"

"I'm liking the treatment so far," she smirked and I couldn't help but gulp at the flirtatious nature of her comment.

"If you um... needed anyone to show you around the area I'd love t—" The door burst open and Henry ran back inside with the nurse. Jessie handed me the document with his measurements and he took a seat on the exam table. I cleared my throat and sat back down in my desk chair. I typed all Henry's information into the computer, and asked him and Jennifer a few more questions before discharging him. Before she walked out, I handed her my card.

"Take this just in case there's ever anything you need. You're welcome to call the office... or me"

She took it from me, "What if I don't need anything? Can I still call?"

I nodded, perhaps too eagerly "Yeah, yeah you can call me"

She smiled and bit her lip, "Thanks, doctor," and then walked out. I knew that if she didn't end up calling me then I'd at least see her when Henry comes to the office. But that wasn't enough for me. I sighed and walked back to my area behind the reception desk. I leaned back in my chair, rubbed my eyes, and smoothed out my hair. I needed to see her again, soon.

Gail caught my attention, "How'd it go, doctor?"

"Just a routine registration procedure... measurements, tests, questions—"

"I meant with the woman, genius"

"Oh, um. We'll have to see, I guess"

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