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March 15, 2018
— JJ's POV
After answering a few emails and consulting with various police departments, I took a quick break and visited Penelope. Getting up from my desk and heading down the hallway, I eventually reached the door to her lair. She gave me the okay to come in.

"Hello my precious barbie doll— having a good day?"

I leaned against her desk, "Pretty good so far, good weekend too." She furrowed her brows at me. "What is it, Pen?"

"You seem extra bubbly today. My kind of bubbly. What happened?"

I exhaled, "Nothing, Garcia"

"Nope, nope nope. Something happened. Something good. Don't lie to me."

I smiled, "Okay, so you know how I took Henry to a new pediatrician this weekend?" She nodded. "I-I think his doctor was hitting on me..."

"Oooh really? Is he cute?"

I started rubbing the back of my neck, "That's uh, that's the thing. He's a she."

Garcia gasped, "She! Even better! Is she cute?"

"Well, I think she is. But I-I've never felt like that before about a girl. She just did something to me for some reason— like a light switch turned on in my brain... Am I gay?"

"Not necessarily. You could be bisexual, or pansexual, or a spectrum of other things... no one's forcing you to put a label on it."


"Of course not, Jayje! You don't have to slap a definition onto yourself for other people's sake, just do what makes you happy! And if going on a date with... what's her name?"

I bit my lip, "Emily."

"With Emily makes you happy, then why not give it a shot?"

"I guess I can," I reached into my pocket, "She did give me her card."

Garcia squealed, "Ahhh, she's so into you!" I rolled my eyes and Garcia snatched the paper from my hand, starting to spank the keys of her keyboard.

"Garcia, what are you doing? Don't-don't start stalking her... Pen! Stop typing!"

Garcia scanned over the screen of her computer, "Born in DC..."


"Went to Yale, wow Yale!"

I turned my head toward her line of vision, "Really?"

"Lives in West End... started her practice 4 years ago, umm... visits the movies very frequently, or at least she did... huh"

"What is it?"

"Well, over the last 6 months or so, I see signs of a relationship— lots of expensive dinners out, movie tickets, opera performances, jewelry..."

"In other words, she already has a girlfriend. Great."

"She did... it stopped a few weeks ago. Now she's spending a lot of money on gallons of ice cream, liquor, and books."

"Oof, must've been a bad breakup... am I just gonna be a rebound?"

Garcia turned around, "Aww honey, no, don't think like that... why don't you call her and see what she says? I think the extent of her commitment will be evident in what she takes you out to do on your date."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if she offers to take you to some fancy, upscale place in DC— that doesn't sound like how you treat a rebound."

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