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TW! use of homophobic language/slurs

August 4, 2018
Clubbing with the BAU was definitely something I've come to enjoy. They happily accepted me like a member of their team, and I also loved hearing all their embarrassing stories about JJ that she'd never tell me herself. I carried two pints of beer back over to my table, where I was currently sitting with Garcia and Hotch. I handed Hotch one of the glasses and took a seat to enjoy my own.

Garcia was busy sipping on her cocktail and lusting after Morgan, who was dancing with a group of girls, "Look at him move. He's like a cat."

I gagged, "More like a dog!"

"He did not ask them to dance. They asked him."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, okay he's a cat...An alley cat."

Hotch suggested, "Go on, Garcia, why don't you go show them how it's done?"

She scoffed, "You doubt my skills?" She got up and set her drink down, "Do not let anyone take my seat." She shuffled her fur jacket off and sauntered over to the dance floor. Hotch and I laughed as Garcia meddled her way into the circle and started grinding up on Morgan, who loved the attention.

Hotch turned back to me, "How's work Emily?"

"Work's good. When you love what you do it never feels like work anyway."

"Very true. That's how we all feel, especially JJ."

"Yeah, I can tell how passionate she is about her job... it's admirable."

He smiled, "I'm glad you see it that way."

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"

"Well uh... Her um, Henry's father wasn't as understanding as you are."


"No. He didn't like how she'd go away on cases, and... just made it really hard for her."

"Oh, I-I didn't know all that... Well I don't feel that way. I know she won't be happy unless she's on the job, and all I want is for her to be happy."

— JJ's POV
"Oh! Another one bites the dust!" I nailed a dart through the center of the cork yet again, absolutely destroying the guy I was playing with.

"How did you get so good at this?"

"Where I grew up, darts was like a national sport."


"Yeah, we were too small for a bowling alley."

"Ah. So you're not from around here, Jennifer?"

"No, Pennsylvania... You gonna take your turn?" I gestured to the darts in his hand, trying to divert his attention back to the game and away from me— I didn't want him getting too comfortable.

He nodded, "Yeah, then another game? Or a drink maybe?" Shit.

I winced and looked at my watch, "Actually I-I should probably get back to my friends now, Matt."

He made a face, "Nah come on, we're having fun here."

I put my darts down, "Sorry, I should really go. Bye." He sighed as I walked away and took another gulp of his beer. I stopped at the bar on the way back to our table to get a drink for myself. "Margarita, please." The bartender nodded and I leaned against the counter while I waited for him to fix it.

Another guy walked up to me, "Can I get that for you?" Jesus, I'm really having a time tonight.

I winced, "Thank you, but uh it's going on my girlfriend's tab. Sorry."

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