Extra Sweetness

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March 25, 2019
—Emily's POV
"You wanna put the chocolate chips in for me, bud?" I asked Henry as he and I stood at the kitchen counter, baking. It was a gross, rainy day today so we've tried to make some entertainment inside.

He clapped and exclaimed, "Yeah yeah can I?!"

I handed him the cup of chocolate chips, "Here ya go."

His eyes widened as he took it, "Woah! Ders so many!"

I whispered, "Don't tell Mommy we used this much, she'll kill me." He giggled and dumped all the chips in before stirring it for me.

JJ stepped downstairs and questioned, "What's all the noise I'm hearing down here?"

I smiled, "We're baking!"

She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head against my shoulder before pointing out, "You don't bake."

"Of course I do!"

"I have never seen you bake like this. You don't bake."

"I totally do. Maybe your 'wife intuition' is broken today." JJ reached forward and scooped some dough up on one of her fingers. The same finger traveled up to her lips, sucking off the treat.

She hummed, "Hmm that's actually pretty good."

"Read my lips: I bake!"

Henry kept stirring and asked, "Dis good Momma?"

I looked down at his finished product and nodded, "Looks great, bubs. Let's put them on the sheet so they can go in the oven."

He tilted his head, "But Mommy ate da dough? We not gon do dat?"

I sighed at JJ, "See what you did? You and your bad examples."

She laughed, "Hey, you're the one who curses in front of him... Our son learned the f-word at four years old thanks to you."

"At least that's expanding his vocabulary. Eating raw cookie dough just starts an unhealthy habit that can lead to salmonella, unwanted bacteria, contraction of variants--" JJ tapped me on the shoulder to interrupt and then pointed to Henry. I whipped my head around and saw his hands and face covered in cookie dough. He must've had a few handfuls already— thank god his hands were small. I pulled the bowl away and said, "Hey hey heyyy! Not a good idea, Hen, okay? Let's stop eating the dough now." He started to quiver on the brink of tears.

JJ sighed, "Don't start, Henry." Whimpering came next. Then heavier breathing. JJ stepped over to him and picked him up as she rubbed his back and relented, "All right, bud, just let it out." He started to sob into her shoulder. "Shhh it's okay... It's okay, baby, it's okay. Let it out." Thankfully, it only took a minute for him to stop. JJ grabbed a couple tissues and wiped the tear streaks off his face as he sat on the counter. She softly said to him, "Cookie dough can be dangerous, buddy, so it isn't safe to eat lots of it. I only took a little bit and then I stopped, remember? Momma had to take the bowl away so you wouldn't get sick from it, that's all."

He sniffled, "Okay, Mommy... Sowwy. I won't do dat again."

"Thank you, Hen."

"Can we still have da cookies? If we bake dem?"

She chuckled, "Of course we can... Wanna help Momma put them in the oven?" He nodded with a big smile and reached his arms out so JJ could transport him to the other counter where I was. We cheerfully finished the process with no more tears shed.

A few hours later
After I tucked Henry into bed, I tiredly trudged up to the loft to catch the last ten minutes of Golden Girls on cable. I crashed onto the couch and put my feet up, letting my body settle into relaxation. Five minutes or so went by before I heard JJ come up.

She turned around the railing of the staircase and asked, "You don't mind if I stay up here with you, do you?"

"No go ahead." She unrolled one of her yoga mats onto the floor and moved to stand on top of it. I scrunched my brows, "Whatcha doing? Don't you do that in the mornings?" JJ usually got up a few minutes earlier in the morning to head into the basement and do some yoga routines before work— out of my way and also out of sight.

She laid back on the mat and started to stretch, "Yeah but we had an early meeting this morning so I didn't have time... Also I need the workout after those cookies you made."

"Ahh they were good weren't they?"

"Yes except for the fact that you multiplied the amount of chocolate chips by at least two or three cups."

"You could tell?!"

"Of course I could— no recipe calls for 40% dough and 60% chocolate."

I shifted the blame, "Well it was Henry's call, not mine."

"Sure it was, Em." I watched in fascination as her limber body contorted into all kinds of seemingly impossible shapes on the mat. Her toned figure was outlined by a simple sports bra and tight leggings; I'd pay money to see her in workout clothes more often.

I swallowed hard and admired, "You're really um... flexible."

She glanced back, still in the middle of a pose, and replied, "What about it?"

"Nothing. Just admiring it."

"Ahh I get it... Like what you see?"

"Mhmm... It's sexy."

"Keep your mind out of the gutter, Emily."

"How am I supposed to do that when you're... moving that way, huh?"

"I really signed up to live with a horny teenager didn't I?"

"You also married one... You know, you should really do yoga in front of me more often."

"I feel like it would get cut short every time."

"Would not. I have self control."


A short pause. "You're right, I have no self control... But can you blame me?"

She giggled as she changed positions, "Do I really look that good?"

"Yes. Yes you do."

She gasped, "You should do this with me sometime! That would be so fun!"

"Uhh, I think I'm better off watching."

"No come over here, I'll show you a pose!" I groaned in response but JJ insisted, "It's an easy one, I promise." I slowly got up from the couch and stood on the mat next to her.

"Okay I'm here."

She smiled eagerly and instructed, "Sit down here." She patted a spot in front of her so I sat down in it. "Put your hands flat against the mat at either side of your body... Good, now do criss-cross applesauce... Okay now take your left leg and lift it over your right and keep your heel pressed to the mat."

"Huh?" She skillfully attained the position so I could copy it. My brows furrowed in confusion as I tried to mirror her. I stopped and asked, "Like this?"

"Kind of... Move your leg up more."

"My femur might snap if I do that."

She laughed, "I promise it won't, doctor... Just try it." I winced and moved my leg in accordance with her direction until she exclaimed, "That's it! Good job, baby!"

"I feel like a pretzel."

"A big part of yoga is embracing your inner pretzel."

"Well then you're a very sexy pretzel." We untwisted our legs and leaned forward, meeting in the middle for a kiss.

JJ bit her lip and suggested, "How bout we move this to the bedroom and I can show you some more poses?"

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