Dr. Emmy

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TW! mentions of throwing up

April 14, 2018
I've been going out with JJ for about one month now and it's been heaven so far. She's the most amazing person I've ever known and I can't believe how lucky I was to have met her. We'd normally have a date set sometime today, because it's a Saturday, but I had to pick up a shift at my practice. I was sitting at my desk, nearing the end of my day and looking through some files, when I got a call from JJ.

I held the phone in between my cheek and shoulder as I continued typing on my laptop,"Hey, babe, what's up?"

She sounded panicked, "I know you're at work today and I really don't wanna bother you but I'm freaking out over here!"

I stopped what I was doing and held the phone in my hand, "JJ what's wrong?"

"Th-There's something going on with Henry— he-he's got a huge fever, he's thrown up twice, he hasn't been able to sleep... nothing's helping, I-I don't know what to do!"

"O-Okay, okay just breathe," I started to get up and gather my things, "I'm ten minutes away, I'll get out of here as soon as I can" I hung up and ran to the nurse's station to grab a sphygmomanometer, my stethoscope, and a bedpan. I hid them all in my backpack, since technically I'm not allowed to take them home even though it's my practice. I told Gail I was leaving early and she, thankfully, gave me no trouble. I threw my stuff in the backseat of my car and then took off for JJ's place. She actually gave me my own key a few days ago, so I just used that to get in. I opened her door and stepped into the kitchen.


She called from Henry's room, "In here!"

I jogged in and saw her kneeling next to a whiny Henry in bed, "How's he doin?"

"Nothing is calming him down, I don't know what's going on!"

She stood up and I kneeled down to take her spot so I could feel his forehead, "Yeah, he is really hot... what's his temp?"

"It was 104 right after I got off the phone with you"

"Phew, wow, okay um... it sounds like gastroenteritis so far, but I don't know how severe. I brought a bag in with me— black backpack— it's in the kitchen, just go bring the whole thing in here please." She ran out and I stood up to shuck my jacket off. I rolled up my sleeves and pulled a chair next to Henry's bed.

He whined, "Emmy my tummy hurts!"

I brushed his hair back, "I know, buddy, I know... I'm gonna help you, okay?"

JJ came in and set my bag down next to me, "This thing weighs a ton, what's in here?" I opened it and took out all the supplies I brought. I peeled on a pair of medical gloves and took out my stethoscope first.

I handed my sphygmomanometer to JJ, "Hold this please, I'll need it next"

"Wow, I guess this is a perk that comes with dating a pediatrician... what is this thing?"

I was listening to Henry's heartbeat so quickly responded, "Sphygmomanometer"

JJ rolled her eyes, "That's conclusive."

I took my stethoscope off, "His heart rate is a little fast but it might just be because he's nervous," I held my hand out, "Can I have that, please?" She handed it to me and I wrapped it around his arm to measure his blood pressure. Once I got a reading, I took it off and said, "His blood pressure is normal which is good, because that's evidence that his case isn't very serious," I calmly looked at Henry, "Henry, I just have to do one more thing, okay? But this last one might hurt a bit," he started to whine in fear, "If it starts to hurt, you have to tell me, okay? Because then I'll stop and I'll be able to tell what's wrong..." He nodded so I slowly pulled up his shirt to reveal his belly. Using two hands, I started to push down and apply some pressure.

Almost immediately, Henry cried, "Ow, Emmy, it hurts! Dat hurts!"

I let go of his belly and turned to JJ, "Yeah, he has gastroenteritis"

JJ sighed, "Does that mean I'm gonna have the stomach flu now, too?"

"I'm sure we both will, 'cause I'm gonna stay here and help you with him"

"Oh, Emily, y-you really don't have to do that..."

I grabbed the backpack I brought and pulled out the bedpan to set it next to Henry, "Do you know what I do for a living?" I turned to Henry and pointed to the pan, "If you feel like you have to throw up, you can do it right here, okay? And if you miss or you don't make it in time, it's all right" I stood up and put my tools back in my bag so I could put the bag back in the kitchen. JJ told Henry she'd be right back and followed me out.

She leaned against the counter, "You're really good with kids"

I smiled at her, "Once again I say: do you know what I do for a living?"

She giggled, "Good point, good point"

I grabbed my keys, "I'm gonna head to CVS and pick up a few things okay, babe?"

"Oh, Emily, I can do that if you want it's really no problem"

"I know, but you should stay with your son... I'll be right back." I gave her a quick kiss and then drove down the block to CVS. I picked up two cartons of orange juice, a bottle of Pedialyte (JJ told me Henry prefers the strawberry flavor), a couple bunches of bananas, a box of Saltine crackers, two containers of chicken broth, peppermint oil, and ginger capsules. I checked out at the register and drove back to JJ's.

When she saw me walk inside with multiple bags she exclaimed, "Emily that's too much!" I emptied everything out on the counter and started putting it away. She grabbed the bottle of peppermint oil, "Don't tell me I'm gonna have to drink this or something?"

I chuckled, "No... you have an essential oil diffuser right? Well peppermint helps relieves muscle pain and therefore digestive discomfort"

She put her hand under her chin and leaned up on one elbow, "I think you might actually know some things that Reid doesn't... I love that about you"

I looked at her, "Yeah?"

"Yeah, because it's not like an 'in-your-face' kind of intelligence, it's like a... useful kind of intelligence. You're helpful."

"That's why I became a doctor."

Henry called from his room, "Emmy!"

JJ explained, "Oh yeah, he called for you when you were gone... guess he doesn't need me anymore" I giggled and then walked into his room.

"What's wrong, Henry?"

"I frew up in the fing you gave me"

I took a few steps toward him and picked up the pan, "Good job, bud... feel any better?"

"A wittle bit now"

"Good... hungry?"


"How bout a banana?" His face lit up at that and I chuckled, "Yeah? Sound good?" He nodded his little head so I left to go empty out the pan and grab him a banana. When I walked back into the kitchen I saw that JJ wasn't there. I tore a banana off of the bunch and went to go give it to Henry before heading into the living room. JJ walked in a few seconds later.

"Was he okay?"

"Yeah, he just threw up"

"Me too."

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