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September 15, 2018
— JJ's POV
"Call Hotch."

"We're in the middle of nowhere, Reid. We have no cell service."

"Great. Of course we have no service." Reid and I were stranded at a barn where we believed our unsub was hiding. At first, we just came here to interview him as a witness but Reid put the pieces together and figured out that he was our guy. And now we're alone. With no backup.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know. He's definitely in here... You cover the front, I'm gonna go around back. Hotch knows we came here. He'll come looking for us. We'll just wait him out."

"No, Reid, a-are you sure we should... split... up?" I trailed off as Reid headed out back and I stepped closer to the barn.

From a distance, I thought I heard someone call, "JJ! JJ!"

"Reid? Reid!?" I got no response. The wind was ominously blowing all around me, causing the barn door to fly open. I held up my gun and walked inside, seeing as that's where we thought the unsub was. I slowly made my way in, looking all around for any movement. I stopped in my tracks when I felt my shoe sink into something mushy. I looked down and saw a red puddle of blood gathering from a trail. Following the trail with my flashlight, I saw an even bloodier scene before my eyes. I didn't have any time to examine it though, because I started to hear a low growling on my left a few feet away. And then on my right. And then in front of me. Confused, I pointed my flashlight all around and was met by four dogs stalking toward me and baring their teeth. I screamed when one of them lunged at me, and started shooting all around in a frenzied panic.

An hour later
I heard voices outside, "Rossi, come on," but was in shock and couldn't comprehend who it was.

When the barn door swung open, I instinctively held up my gun, "FBI!"

Derek yelled, "JJ! JJ! JJ, it's Morgan and Rossi — Don't shoot. It's ok. Are you hurt?"

I sighed, "Tobias hankel is the unsub."

Derek concluded, "Yeah, we know."

Seeing how I was covered in blood, Hotch said, "I'm calling an ambulance."

I continued, "We just thought he was a witness," the team looked around at the four bodies of the dead dogs. I told them, "I had to kill them."

Derek asked, "JJ, where's Reid?"

Still in shock, I blankly stated "They just completely tore her apart. There's nothing even left I—"

Rossi got my attention, "JJ, look at me. Look at me. Where's Reid?"

I stammered, "W-We split up. He said he was going to go in the back." They raced outside and I followed them, looking for the ambulance. A paramedic got my attention and sat me in the back of the truck to examine me. After sitting there for several minutes, Derek came back over to talk to Rossi.

Derek said to him, "House is clear."

Rossi asked, "So where the hell is he?"

Hotch jogged over, "Hey, is there any sign of him yet?"

Derek shook his head and replied, "We got every one of our units on the road. He won't make it far."

I chimed in, "You can't find reid?"

"Not yet."

A couple hours later
We found Reid. Well, not in a good way. He's being held by the unsub in a remote location that Garcia hasn't been able to track yet. I've been lying on the couch for a while now, trying to get some rest, but I can't help staying awake and thinking that this is my fault. I got up and walked into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Morgan came up behind me, "I thought you were going to try and get some rest."

I sighed, "Everybody else is working. I should be, too."

"We can handle it."

I looked down at the floor, "It's funny. I keep thinking... The one thing we need to crack this case is, uh... Well, Reid."


"You think Reid and I should have stayed together at the barn, don't you?"

He dismissed, "JJ, go get some rest."

"I can tell that's what you're thinking, so..."

"I just want to get Reid home safe."

"But... If I had his back, like I was supposed to, he'd be here now."

"JJ, what do you want from me?"

"I just... I want... Someone to tell me the truth."

"The truth is one of you is here, and one of you isn't. You got to figure the rest out for yourself." He angrily stomped away. I had my own doubts about what happened but I thought maybe the team would have my back. With much pain and worry, we wrapped up the case and found Reid alive and somewhat unharmed. We flew home but I could definitely tell there was some hostile tension between me and Derek, maybe Rossi too. I slept most of the flight back and got a ride home from Garcia. By the time I unlocked the door it was around 2:00 am. I set my bags down and made my way upstairs. I slowly creaked the door open and sat on the bed by Emily.

I shook her awake, "Baby? Em?"

She groaned, "JJ? You're home." She sat up a little bit and I fell into her arms, starting to cry softly into her chest. She held me close and asked, "What's wrong?" Emily reached over and turned the light on, now seeing my blood stained blouse and wrapped up arm. She gasped, "What happened?"

I sniffled, "Em, it was h-horrible."

She stroked my hair, "What happened, JJ?" I couldn't respond and just continued to cry. Emily picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. She sat me down on the counter and tied my hair up for me before using a makeup wipe to clean what was left of my makeup off my face. She unbuttoned my blouse and threw it into the hamper along with my pants. I unhooked my own bra and waited for her to bring me a pajama shirt. She handed me a loose fitting shirt and helped me pull it over my head. She pointed to the bandage on my shoulder, "Does this need to be changed before you go to sleep?"

I sniffled again, "Probably."

"Can I unwrap it?" I nodded so she carefully pulled it off. She gently examined it and correctly concluded, "Did an animal do this to you?"

I nodded, "A dog. Actually there were four but just one of them scratched me." Emily grabbed some neosporin and dressed the wound before loosely wrapping it up in new gauze. She carried me back to bed and snuggled under the covers with me.

She kissed the top of my head, "Tell me what happened, JJ, you gotta get it out."
A/N- this chapter contains dialogue from Season 2, Episode 15- "Revelations" :)

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