Lunch? [smut]

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mature content! office sex, spanking, daddy kink, cunnilingus
long chapter! ~1800 words

April 27, 2019
— Emily's POV
"Gail, are you gonna send those charts off to Frannie?"

"Yes, doctor, they're on their way to her right now."

"Great, thank you." I was preparing to leave for the day, excitedly so because it was only 11:30 in the morning. That sounds early but I've been here since 6:00 and it's felt like ages to me. I packed up my backpack, hung up my white coat, and made sure all my appointments were settled with Gail before heading out. I got in my car and texted JJ:

[Emily- 11:34] done w work
[Emily- 11:34] lunch? ❤️

[JJ- 11:36] mmm yes to lunch 😋
[JJ- 11:36] you coming here?

[Emily- 11:37] yes, 30 mins away

I stowed my phone away so it wouldn't distract me and then zoomed off for JJ's office, all while thinking about where to go for lunch since I know she won't pick a place. She's very indecisive. I found a spot in the lot and then hopped in the elevator to the sixth floor. The first face I saw was Spencer's.

"Hi, Emily!" He waved at me from his desk, where he was currently puzzled with a crossword.

I walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "How are ya, Spence?"

"Pretty good, hey what's a five-letter word meaning 'post-lecture session, for short?'"

"Hmm... Recit-- No, no nevermind. Got any letters?"

"It starts with a Q? But that doesn't seem right to me."

"Ah. Qanda."

He nodded his head, "Darn. I should've gotten that one."

"It's okay, Reid, you're still a genius. Quite literally."

Derek walked over and greeted me next, "Hey, Emily! Whatcha doin here?"

"Taking JJ to lunch. Any idea where she is?"

Spencer chuckled, "Probably chewing Garcia's ear off."

Derek laughed and then directed me his way, "Come with me, I'll show ya." He led me out of the bullpen and down the hallway a little ways to what I assumed was Penelope's office. After his knock on the door was accepted, we were granted entrance.

JJ saw me and smiled, "Hi, babe."

Derek elbowed me, "Told ya she'd be in here."

I looked around and asked JJ, "Is this like your hangout place or something?"

Garcia answered for her, "It's where we come to get away from all the boy drama."

Derek gasped, "Ay, what drama?"

"Oh please, you and Reid always have some little argument going on. This is our chance to gossip in peace."

JJ winced, "It's true, Morgan."

I laughed, "What do you gossip about?"

Garcia responded too soon, "You mostly."

JJ turned red and hit her in the arm, "Garcia!"

"Oops. Sorry, Jayje."

I cleared my throat and changed the subject, "You ready to go, baby?" JJ nodded and followed me back into the hall. I smirked and dug a little further, "Sooo gossip about me, huh?"

She avoided eye contact, "Maybe."

"Am I ever gonna find out what it is you two talk about?"

"You already know the answer to that is--"

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