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— JJ's POV
After I closed the door to Emily's car, I headed inside my building and hopped in the elevator to go upstairs. A permanent smile was plastered on my face as I approached the front door and got my keys out. Before I could put them in the lock, Garcia flung the door open and immediately started bombarding me with questions.

"You're back, oh my gosh! How was it? Where'd she take you? Did she kiss you?" I walked inside and set my bag down on the kitchen counter.

"Slow. Down. First of all, where's my son?"

"In bed. Asleep." I went to go check on Henry first, peeking through the crack in his door to see that he was in bed safely. I went back into the living room, taking my earrings and heels off in the process. I plopped onto the couch next to Penelope who was bouncing up and down like a toddler.

"JJ! Spill, already!"

"Okay, calm down! She took me to Corduroy, that place downtown? The food was sooo good I got the tuna—"

"If you keep talking about insignificant things like how good the food was and not how good Emily's tongue felt down your throat then I'm leaving."

"Sheesh, all right! She asked me a lot of questions about my job and Henry and she actually seemed really interested in my life which I think is a good sign. We literally never stopped talking, even when we got back into the car... and I-I told her that I've never date a girl before but she honestly didn't care which I did not expect. And-and then... she kissed me!"

"She kissed you! Oh my godddd, what was it like? Was it long and slow or just like a stupid peck on the lips?"

"No, it was a good one— long and slow and she like... she put her hand on the side of my face and brushed some of my hair back and ugh, it was incredible."

"How long did it last?"

"Um, like 20 seconds maybe?"

"Oooh okay not bad for a first kiss..."

I smiled and said, "When she pulled away she whispered 'I'm not gonna lie I've been wanting to do that all night.'"

Garcia threw her head back, "UGH! Where can I get an Emily?"

I giggled, "Hehe sorry, Pen, she's mine."

"Is she? I mean is she gonna ask you out again?"

"She said she would..."

Emily's POV
When I got home after dropping JJ off, I crashed onto my couch and replayed the night over and over again. JJ is so intoxicating in every way— she's beautiful, she's smart, she's an amazing mother, she's incredibly strong. Ugh. I want to be around her all the time. I stripped from my date night clothes and decided to take a shower. The hot water rid me of any anxiety and cleared my head so I could think about my next move. When should I call JJ? Tonight? No that's too early. Maybe tomorrow? I feel like that's still too early. I could surprise her at work in a couple days, she told me where her office is... no, maybe that's too forward. I can send her a text tonight? Yeah, that's not too bad. It's not as serious as a call but it still shows her that I'm interested. I'll do that. I shut the water off and dried myself so I could change into my pajamas. I sat criss-crossed on my bed and typed out what I'd send to JJ. I changed the message at least 10 times before finally sending one.

[Emily- 9:30] hi, gorgeous :) i wanted to tell you again that i really enjoyed our date and i'd love to see you again soon if that's okay. i know you aren't really sure of your schedule most of the time but is there any day later this week that works for you?

I breathed a sigh of relief when I pushed "send." Although I was eager to see if and when she'd answer, I didn't want to fuel my anxiety by sitting there and waiting for her typing bubble to pop up. I paced around my apartment, watered some plants, and cleaned off my kitchen countertop before going to check my phone again.

"Is she gonna ask you out again?"

"She said she would..."

"Well what exactly did she say?"

"She said she'd 'call me again sometime.' That's so vague."

"Yeah, I wonder wh—" My text tone resonated through the living room and I picked my phone up off the couch to read it.

"It's a text from Emily!"

Garcia gasped, "What'd she say?"

I recited the text out loud, "hi, gorgeous :) i wanted to tell you again that i really enjoyed our date and i'd love to see you again soon if that's okay. i know you aren't really sure of your schedule most of the time but is there any day later this week that works for you?"

Garcia squealed, "Ahh she likes youuuuu!"

I quickly asked, "What should I say?"

"Ask her out again?"

"Well, w-what should I ask her to do?"

"Ooo what about a movie?"

"Okay, that's a good idea." Garcia helped me type out a text and I sent it

[JJ- 9:36] hi! i'm actually free thursday and friday of this week if that works for you? i thought maybe we could try to catch a movie 🥰

I panted and asked Garcia, "Why does this woman make me so nervous?"

"Probably because you want it work out, yeah?" I nodded and heard my phone receive another text.

[Emily- 9:37] sure, that sounds fun! friday probably works better for me... want me to pick you up after work?

[JJ- 9:38] yes please 😊 can't wait!

Garcia and I talked for another hour and she ended up staying the night in my guest bedroom. When I finally put my head down on my pillow I was almost too excited to sleep— I couldn't wait to see Emily again. Butterflies filled my stomach and they didn't leave until Friday.

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