"That Blonde"

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long chapter! ~1500 words

March 21, 2019
— JJ's POV
Ew. Back to work. Today was my first day back in the office after returning from Paris and it's no contest: I'd rather be there right now instead of here at Quantico. Emily went back to work today too, and I know she's just as miserable.

I plopped my bag down on my desk and was quickly approached by Morgan, "Hey heyyy there, blondie. Welcome back!"

I sighed, "Sure."

"Honeymoon fever?"

"Major. Cubicles and case files aren't exactly the same as French cafes and tasteful artwork at the Louvre."

Spencer perked his head up and asked, "Did you go to that exhibit I told you about?"

"Yep, Emily actually heard about it as well and she got us tickets."

I suddenly heard the rapid clicking of heels approaching me along with a chant, "You're back! You're back! You're back! You're back!"

I laughed, "Hey Penelope... You here to cheer me up?"

"Umm I'm here to get the second-by-second run down of your honeymoon, whether or not that cheers you up is not my problem but I wanna hear everything. Everything."

"I should've expected that."

"Now is it PG enough to talk about here, or shall we bring this party into my alcove?"

"Definitely not PG. Or PG-13."

Morgan whistled, "Well damn, JJ, I might have to hear some of this."

"Nice try. I'm not gonna tell you how Emily and I ate whipped cream off each other naked and then had endless rounds of sex for basically four days straight. Not gonna tell you any of that."

He choked on air and then chuckled, "Shit, blondie, I never knew you could be so... wow."

I raised an eyebrow, "Can't handle it, Morgan?"

"N-No it's not that it's just I... I-I'll be right back." He set his coffee down and hurried away, making Garcia and I burst out laughing.

She turned to me and asked, "You can give me details, right?"

"Sure, Pen." I stood up and chatted with her as we walked back to her lair to continue our conversation in private.

— Emily's POV
"Where's Dylan's chart, Brookie? And Jamie's?" I asked as I approached the nurse's station. My day was already super busy and it was only 11 AM, but I only had two more appointments to go.

Brookie perked her head up and replied, "Kyle has them, Doctor." I nodded and then walked around the corner to the other station to find Kyle, one of the male nurses on my staff. I liked Kyle but he could be a little flakey sometimes. He was fresh out of nursing school too, so he was one of my youngest staff members.

I knocked on the wall of his cube and said, "Hey, Kyle, can I have those two charts Brookie gave you?"

He smiled, "Hey you're back!"

"Appears that way."

"When did you get back?"

"Last night. Do you have those fi--"

"Last night?! You must be tired, huh?"

"Tired and very busy, yes."

He smirked, "So how was it?"

"How was what? My wedding?"

"Nahhh the honeymoon! How was the honeymoon?"

I sighed, "Look, Kyle, I don't really know you that well so I don't think I should tell you about my honeym--"

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