Just a Trim

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August 28, 2018
I let out a frustrated groan as I attempted to tie my hair up for the 50th time today. I aggressively yanked it out of its ponytail and tried to get it to cooperate with me.

From her spot at the kitchen sink, JJ warned me, "Hey! Stop pulling! You're gonna ruin your hair!"

I grumbled, "Good! I'd love nothing more than to see it gone and out of my way!" My hair has been growing out since January and it's beyond too long. I get upset with my hair very easily and having it cascading over my body 24/7 has been hell for a couple months now.

JJ asked, "How short would you want it?"

"I don't know... I suppose a little shorter than shoulder-length would be tolerable."

"Well... I could cut it."

I turned to her, "Since when do you cut hair?"

"I never did it professionally, but my aunt was a hairdresser and she taught me... Whatdya say?"

"Hmm... Do you know how to cut bangs?" She stepped a few feet away and grabbed a picture from a bookshelf nearby.

She handed it to me and said, "Yes." It was a photo of her and Henry on his first birthday. Her hair was relatively short and she was sporting perfectly even bangs that framed her face quite well.

I admired, "You cut these yourself?!"

"Yep... After Hen was born I chopped all my hair off and gave myself some bangs just for the hell of it. Soooo can I?"

I handed the picture back to her, "I suppose so."


"Yeah why not... If you mame me it'll grow back anyway."

JJ sarcastically replied, "Well I'm honored to know that you have confidence in me." She walked back over to me and dragged me up from my chair, "Come onnnnn..."

I stammered as she pulled me upstairs, "W-What? We're doing this now? You don't even know what I want!"

She pushed me into the bedroom and pulled a chair over, "I know what looks good on you, you'll be fine."

Henry ran in once he heard all the noise and asked, "Was goin on?"

JJ yelled from the bathroom, "I'm cutting Emmy's hair!"

He climbed onto my lap, "Das silly! Can I watch?"

I called to JJ, "Babe? Can he sit in my lap or does that obstruct your work space?"

She walked back out to us and pointed a comb at him, "You can stay, but you can't wiggle around, okay? I'm holding scissors next to Emmy's head and I don't want there to be an accident."

He nodded his head, "Otay mommy," he settled into my lap and faced forward so he could watch TV while JJ worked. She laid out all her materials on the dresser— a wide-toothed comb, brush, water spray, three pairs of scissors in various sizes, hair products— and then turned around to look at me. She slowly circled around my chair, getting a feel for what she'll be working with.

I asked, "You see me every day, don't you know what my hair looks like?"

She jokingly hit me over the head with her hand, "Don't rush me, Em!"

I put my hands up, "Okay, okay! Sorry." She spent another minute or so examining my head before grabbing her spray bottle of water and wetting my hair. She got it damp enough to work with before grabbing scissors and a comb to start cutting. Henry got bored after a mere 10 minutes and left to go play to his room. JJ chopped and snipped for about 20 minutes total, including my bangs. She set her scissors down on the dresser and then turned around to face me. She knelt down in front of me and weaved her fingers through the hair framing my face.

Her face was only an inch or two away from mine so I questioned, "Uh... W-Whatcha doin?"

She giggled, still examining her work, "Checking to see if it's even." I couldn't help letting my eyes wander down to the lips that were at a teasing distance.

I breathlessly said, "Oh... K."

She rolled her eyes and placed a quick peck to my lips before resuming her work and saying, "There. Now stop distracting me."

"What did I do?!"

"You're staring at my lips!"

"They're right here!"

"Well it's distracting me... Look at something else." I moved my gaze lower and smirked at the drifting collar of her shirt, allowing me to look right down it.

JJ sighed, "I guess I had that coming."

"Thanks for the suggestion, I think I like this view better."

JJ stood up, "All right I'm done cutting, thank god," she grabbed her blow dryer, "I'm gonna blow it out now, okay?"

"Any chance you can take your top off first?" She blankly stared at me and turned on the blow dryer to shut me up, unamused with my antics. It only took a few minutes for my hair to dry, so JJ did some final touches before letting me look in the mirror. I stood up from my chair and stepped over to our stand up mirror to admire my new look. It was awesome.

JJ nervously bit her lip and asked, "Do you hate it?"

"Hate it?! How could I hate it? This looks so cool, Jayje!"

"Really? You really like it?"

I played with it a bit, getting more comfortable, and replied "I love it, babe, thank you so much."

She ran her hand through it, "Good, me too... I think bangs look really good on you. Do you wanna see the back?"

"Yes please," JJ took out her phone and snapped a picture of the back of my hair so she could show me what it looks like.

I marveled, "Ugh, it looks even better back here! When were you gonna tell me you cut hair? Is there anything you can't do?"

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I marveled, "Ugh, it looks even better back here! When were you gonna tell me you cut hair? Is there anything you can't do?"

JJ chuckled and teased, "Let's just say there's a lot of things I can 'do' that you haven't seen yet..."

I furrowed my brows, "Was that supposed to be sexual? Because it sounded sexual to me."

"Everything sounds sexual to you, Em."

"Answer the question."

"No I don't think I will. You'll find out eventually."

"When? Because I—" She pressed her index finger against my lips.

"If you keep pushing it then it won't be tonight."

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