Longest Night

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TW! blood, mentions of sexual assault

She joked, "Sergio's probably wondering why we never came home."

I laughed through my tears and pulled away to look at her, "Did he do anything to you? Are you hurt?" She winced and pulled up her shirt to reveal a large gash on her abdomen made by his knife.

She panted, "It-It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm f-fine... I'm... tough." She passed out from what I assumed what blood loss so I untied her from the chair and called for a medic. Some paramedics came in and lifted her unconscious body onto the stretcher.

I followed them as they jogged outside and asked, "She's gonna be okay, right?"

"We'll get her stitched up and she should be fine."

I told Hotch as they loaded her into the ambulance, "I'm gonna ride with them, is that all right?"

He nodded, "That's fine, we'll see you there."

Before I stepped in I called back to him, "Hotch... Thank you." He smiled and hopped into an SUV.

— Emily's POV
My head was spinning when I woke up in my hospital bed. I groaned and sat up a little bit. My vision was blurry, but I saw what looked like JJ's silhouette seated in a chair at the corner of the room.

She stood up when she heard me stirring, "Emily?" She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, "Can you hear me?"

"Hearing... Still working on seeing."

She leaned forward and hugged me tightly as she sighed, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"How much blood did I lose?"

Reid walked in, "About 30% of your total blood volume. They gave you a transfusion though so you're eyesight should come back any minute. Hi."

I groaned, "Hey, Reid... It's starting to feel a little better already. Where's everyone else?"

"Getting coffee. Do you want me to tell them you're up?"

JJ brushed my hair back and told him, "Yeah why don't you go get them, Spence?" He nodded his head and awkwardly walked back into the hallway to leave us alone. JJ lightly pressed her lips against my forehead as I melted into her touch. I scooted over on the bed and she smiled before climbing next to me on the side where there weren't any stitches. She settled down next to me and grabbed the hem of my hospital gown before asking, "Can I see it?"

"Mmhmm." She lifted the garment up carefully and observed the small scar that ran from just above my right hip to the center of my abdomen near my bellybutton. I questioned, "How's it look?"

"Not so bad. Battle scars are kinda hot."

"Yeah?" She nodded and captured my lips in another kiss. We were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Garcia peaked her head through, "Is this a bad time, my loves?"

I chuckled, "Not at all, Penelope, come on in." Her heels clicked across the tiles as she came around the side of my bed, holding a handful of balloons in one hand and a teddy bear in the other. She managed to turn every occasion into something bubbly and happy.

Hotch leaned against the table at the end of my bed, "How're you feeling?"

"Like I got the shit kicked out of me... But that's nothing compared to what would have happened if you guys didn't show up. Thanks for your help."

Derek shrugged, "It's our job, princess, we're all happy you made it out of there with just a scratch." Just a scratch. I hung my head a little at that as some of the events of the night came flashing back to me.

JJ noticed, "Emily? What's wrong?"

I jerked my head back up, "N-Nothing. Just tired, is all."

She furrowed her brows and told the team, "I"m gonna sign her discharge papers and bring her home, guys... It's been a long night."

Hotch nodded, "Take the next few days off, whatever Emily needs until she's feeling like herself again."

She smiled, "Thank you, sir," and then headed into the hall to check me out. Once everything was in order, we packed up some stuff my doctors told us to take home and walked out to the car. I insisted on holding JJ's hand the entire way and watched as she tried her best to navigate the car with one hand. We both agreed it felt amazing to be back home, and we immediately headed upstairs to lounge in our room and try to get some sleep. She helped me change into some fresh pajamas before putting on a set of her own. As soon as my body hit the mattress, we heard the familiar patter of Sergio's feet racing to our room.

I swooned when he jumped into my lap, "Hey Serg, you miss me?"JJ climbed into bed next to me and gave Sergio a million kisses— I think she was just happy to see him again and be safe in our home. I tossed him onto the end of the bed to lay by our feet before turning to JJ, "So um... Can we talk?"

"Oh no. That sounds like the start to something bad... Are you breaking up with me?"

"I would never. It's uh, it's about something else... from tonight."

"Okay. What is it, Emily?" I paused and looked down, bringing my hand up to my mouth and starting to bite my nails. JJ softly grabbed my hand and held it in my lap as she said, "Emily?"

"I-I need to tell you something that happened tonight but I... I don't want you to tell anyone."

"If something else happened that we don't know about then it might have to go in the case file, Em."

"I know that but... can you promise not to like... talk about it?"

"If what you're going to tell me is confidential then I promise I won't tell anyone... Em, what is it? What did he do to you?"

"He um... H-He didn't rape me but... he touched me in s-sexual places." JJ gently lifted my chin up with one finger, giving me a consoling look when she saw the tears welling in my eyes.

"Em it's okay, it wasn't your fault... Do you wanna talk about it?"

"He-He lifted up my shirt. He slid his hand over the front of my pants. I just I-I wanted to tell you because... I think it might be hard for me to... do stuff... for a while. Sex stuff."

"Aw, Emily, don't worry about that, okay? Take as long as you need to, and I'll be here every step of the way for anything you need, okay?" I nodded. She asked, "Do you um, do you wanna see anyone about it? A therapist maybe?"


"Okay, I know someone— I'll make an appointment. Did you... Wanna talk about anything else?"

"Not tonight, babe. I think I just wanna get some sleep." She nodded and reached up to turn the light off as I laid down and settled into my spot on the bed. She started to drape her arm over me but hesitated and pulled it back when she realized I might not be comfortable with that yet. She was right— I wasn't ready.

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