Man's Best Friend

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March 2, 2019
— JJ's POV
Well. Emily's not happy. Chester is officially 12 weeks old and not any easier to live with. We're working on the potty training, but he's a slow learner unfortunately. He whines a lot, mostly when I'm not around, and he's chewed up some stuff around the house that he shouldn't have. But I guess this is the cost of owning a puppy. On the bright side, he gets along very well with Henry which I know is something Emily was concerned about. Emily was concerned about it all though-- she's not a dog person. If it was up to her, we'd have 30 Sergios running around the house.

"Babe!" Emily called to me as she walked downstairs with Chester in her arms, "He keeps trying to jump on me, please give him some attention so I can work."

I took him from her and swooned, "Aww he just wants to play with his Momma!"

She stomped back up to the loft, "Momma's busy." I shrugged and carried Chester outside, setting him down on the patio so he could zoom around the yard with Henry. Sure enough, he bolted right to where Henry was playing in the grass.

I sat down on the deck and listened as Henry asked him, "You wanna pway? Yes?" He excitedly picked up one of Chester's tennis balls and launched it across the yard. He exclaimed, "Go fetch, Chestaw!" Henry's still having trouble with his "r's." Chester bounced across the yard, ears flopping in the breeze, as he played with Henry. This is something I always wanted. After 30 minutes or so, Emily came outside through the back door.

She yawned, "I'm gonna sit with you for a few, babe." She took a seat across from me and immediately stuck her hand in the bowl of pretzels I was eating. Her stomach was like a void. Never full. I busily buried my face back in the magazine I was reading, still tying up a few loose ends before the wedding which was in 12 days. Emily mumbled, still chewing, "You need any help? With any... plans?"

"Hmm I don't think so... just making sure all the boxes have been checked."

"Well I just reserved our hotel for the honeymoon so you can check that box off." Emily and I decided to vacation to Paris, seeing as French is one of the seven languages she speaks.

I smiled at her, "I can't wait... You and me in the city of love. Mmm I can almost taste it."

Emily smirked, "Taste what?" The pitter patter of tiny paws interrupted her seduction. Chester trotted over to the patio where we were, standing up on his hind legs by Emily's chair and whining to be picked up. She rolled her eyes at him, "Scram, mutt."

I giggled, "He likes you."

"I have no idea why."

"Pick him up."

"No. He's a dog, he belongs on the ground."

"You pick up Sergio?"

A short pause. "No comment."

Henry ran over and panted, "I firsty, Mommy."

"Okay, so what do you say?"

"Can I have some watew, please?"

I smiled at him, "Much better," before standing up and heading into the kitchen to grab him a cup of water. I walked back out and saw Chester sadly laying down under Emily's chair, staring up at her with his puppy eyes. I handed Henry his drink and let him run off before scolding her, "Em! He's gonna think you hate him."

"He pissed on my new Vans, this is vengeance."

I whistled to him, "Chester, come here. Come to Mommy." He stuck his tongue out and happily stood up to bounce over to me.

I lifted him up onto my lap as he lovingly licked all over my face, saying "thank you" in dog language

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I lifted him up onto my lap as he lovingly licked all over my face, saying "thank you" in dog language. My hands drifted all around to scratch his fur as I said to him, "Is Momma being mean to you? Yeah? Aww it's okay, Ches, she's just a little grumpy."

Emily stammered, "W-What, I... I'm not--"

I cut her off and kept talking to him, "If Momma doesn't start being nice to you I might have to have a talk with her, huh? Yeah, I think so... I might have to started denying her things."

Emily whined, "Over a dog, Jayje? Really?"

"Momma thinks that Mommy's kidding but she's not, is she? No, Mommy's very serious."

"She is?"

I turned my head and blankly stared at her, "Yes." I stood up with Chester laying back in my arms like a baby and carried him inside. We headed downstairs together and lounged on the couch for a while, snuggling. He might be better at this than Emily is. Our quiet time was interrupted by Henry only a few minutes later, but Chester was so energetic he didn't mind. He could go from 0 to 20 in a matter of seconds. On repeat. I laughed as the two of them ran upstairs in a frenzy, chasing each other all around what I assumed was the kitchen and the living room from what I could hear. The sounds of running and stomping bounced all along the basement ceiling, teasing to distract me from Grey's Anatomy. After about 10 minutes, I became tone deaf to it.

Two episodes surpassed before I finally decided it was time to get off my ass. I stretched as I got up from the basement couch, and I perked my ears up when I realized there was a new sound in the house: silence. The stairs creaked quietly as I gently tip toed up to the first floor, finding that no one was around. I repeated my stealthy actions up the second flight of steps up to the second floor. I heard soft snores, three separate ones, resonating from our bedroom. The door was already open, so I just peaked my head inside.

My heart almost burst when I saw Emily, Henry, and Chester all sprawled out on our bed, taking a nap. Emily was laying on her back with Henry curled up into her side as Chester made a comfy resting place on her chest. I agree, buddy, that certainly is a comfy spot. I got a little closer and then leaned over to snap a few pictures of the sight, knowing I'd definitely want to relive this over and over.

It didn't last long, as Chester quickly picked up on my scent and woke up from his slumber. He lifted his head up and starting wagging his tail like crazy when he saw me. He pounced off of Emily's chest, causing her to wake up, and laid on his back on the end of his bed to tell me he wanted a belly rub. I obliged and pet his adorable puppy belly as I waited for Emily to get more conscious.

She rubbed her eyes and groaned, "Mmm what time is it?"

"About 3:00. I don't know how long you've been asleep though."

"Ugh like an hour." I got my phone out, unlocked it, and scrolled to the pictures I just took before tossing it to Emily. She blushed in embarrassment when she picked it up, "Oh uhh, this is just.... w-we were just—"

I interrupted and smiled, "I won't tell anyone."

"Really? I'm not gonna see that on Instagram tomorrow?"

"You're right, you probably will."

"Meh, it's all right. As long as Serg doesn't see it. He can't know my love is shared with another pet. Especially a," Emily gagged, "a dog."

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