Chapter : 20 // The arrival of the Storm

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It took me a decade to write this but here we finally go.


we use our best weapons -
words, when we're a storm.
good thing, we learned the art of
taming the storm


Something poke at his heart when those blue eyes landed on Mary. Her hands seemed tired and her eyes numb. She would've at least smiled in their welcome, they were gone for more than twenty four hours, but she didn't and it made him hault, the bags forgotten mid-air for few seconds.

Eyes were his favourite, they were his door to the other person's soul. His hesitant nature always depended on them for approval. He could always tell the emotional state of the person by just one look in their eyes so when her black pools didn't light up after seeing them arrive, he knew something has happened and it is bad. Mary seemed distraught, like a defeated soldier who just lost his whole team.

Something has to be bad. Mary would never be distraught, she has faced the hardest storms in her life. She's the toughest person he knew beside his mum.

His heart quickened when he saw Uncle Josh come out with the same sad look, walking with no purpose. His tired eyes agreed with his head when it started worrying.

The steps he took towards the entrance were quick, taken with no care but a focus on a task, to find what was wrong, what made his Uncle and Aunt distraught.

His hurried image made Harry to sprint after him, the luggage forgotten behind. Others would take care of it.

Strong wind forced his fringes to cover his eyes making him annoyed when he reached Mary, asking him about what happened? , why the home feels this vacant?  Why are you seconds away from breaking?

Mary eyes broke free after that, crying as she unfold everything. How she couldn't find Dusty. How it's been whole night and many rounds of search yet they couldn't find Dusty.

Louis's body went blank when she finished her last sentence, followed by a fallen head. His kness hit the marble floor as his vision blurred.

This is your doing.

A visible flinch shook him to his core, entirely unnoticed when three pairs of eyes landed on him, bombarding him with questions. Their questions were answered by Uncle Josh, forcing them to tremble with him, his words a jumbled mess to his ears.

You left her alone and now she's gone.


His shaking hands covered the tears when Harry's came to wipe them. Soon, his knees gained their strength, making him able to run and empty his morning tea in the kitchen basin.

Troubled green eyes followed his tired limbs.

Shouldn't have left with your stupid lover on your stupid trip, look what it did.

Morning air forced goosebumps on his skin or maybe the thought of being responsible of the whole ordeal did. A sob escaped his lips when his friends came running towards his sunken frame, a hand rubbed his back when another bile came up. When he was done puking and picking apart his soul, he thought of washing away his tears with water.

With shaking hands, he turned on the water as his body had no energy left. The room felt crowded, caging in as his vision broadened, the window ahead of him showing the great deal of ocean and towering trees. Trees where wild animals wandered during nights, animals that could hurt his Dusty, his vision blurred and water hit the cold skin of his dry hands instead of glass bottom stirring him up from his thoughts but then a hand was filling a glass with it, another coming up to wipe his chin where he felt something wet slowly getting inside his hoodie from the day before, one which she fell asleep on cause she hated being alone,  " let's get you cleaned up. "

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