Ch - 7 // The Downhill

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I wrote and erased the end of this chapter because I think I need another chapter to say everything I want to say. It's just Louis today. Harry next chapter.

Boys won at Teen choice awards and Lou looked so cute. Babiiiii.

I have been reading this Dilf Liam fic, and its awesome. Ziam is hot af.

Life update.? Went to see boy yesterday for marriage. Ya to see, I'm from India and that's how we roll. Great disspontment but I got new dress so yippi.

* pouts and mumbles * I want daddy, not boy.

And I'm fasting for a whole month.

Vote , Comment, share.

* shrugs *

Bye ( I'm awkward. )


You made me feel Jane Eyre
But no, I don't have mirroring with her
She got Mr. Rochester
Will I got you.?
if no
then don't  come and tremble everything
I have set it after hard time


It wasn't that Louis did not think about the ' I don't believe in love.' message from Harry. He did, whole day. Even when Liam was dragging him from shop to shop. He just didn't believe, not in the way Harry really meant. But how would he have even known what he really meant.He thought it was meant for the way he makes pair of everything and everyone.How he thinks that particular person would look good with another particular person.  He thought it was just about the characters and the way he ships  them.

It makes him happy. But apparently not everyone.

He decided that,it was his fault that even the " shipping " of two characters made Harry say that.

I'm weird   He thought.

And you can't blame the guy for thinking it. He thinks everything is weird about him. His hair,his body, his eyes ,his nose, his height, even his name.

After being able to understand the world around him, his first complaint was his name. He did not like the name Louis.When everybody said that it was a prince like name, for him it was just a plain Louis. And it even got the embarrassing twist,the silent S of his name's spelling. It would always get wrongly pronounced. He would always have to correct people. After getting tired of complaining, at the age of 10, he decided not to think about it, let it be the way it is. Because you can't just change your name. But yes, he just did not like it at all.

And his friends has always made sure that that fire keeps fueled. Throughout his school years, all of his classmates teased him for his short height. They teased him about the overprotectiveness of his family, saying that he is too weak to defend himself. He got teased because of his voice, his slow pace when he talks. How he always gets nervous around new people and in the new environment. He has always hated being nervous. He can't just help it. New things makes him uncomfortable, like it will do him bad.

It did get better when he met Dua. She made him feel better about himself. Liam was there since his first grade but then he changed school and Louis was left alone to face all the students with really high nose, richass as Dua calls them. She never took anyone's shit and will never take. She made Louis to stand up against anything bad there was.

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