Chapter - 17 // The One With Hiddens

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so it took five months to write this shit.
How have you been ? How's corona treating you so far?
I'm so sorry for the wait. I suck at this, I know.
I have been good.
I finally sat myself down and finished this today.



Let's make new memories
to fight out old ones
I'm torn
Throw me away like an old letter
Filled with burns


" So he can come but I can't? Where is the justice in that? And the love of my life here, do not know how to snorkel so I'm again left behind to eat chips and watch the sea from far. " Liam tried to cuddle his angry boyfriend as he vents on the trio who was about to leave the cottage with the last of sandwiches Mary had made.

Niall pushed him away, " I don't like you right now Tommo. " He snatched the bowl of grapes from Dua who was laughing on the floor, " and you Styles, Fuck you. "

" I'm not into your kind, my friend. " Harry countered, " Way too much fake blond. I'll let Liam have that fuck. " he got a smack on his arm by Louis, stopping him from tying his shoelaces.

" I agree with Styles here. Let Liam have it. " Dua nodded, ushering them out of the door, puzzled Dusty in her arms as fuming and pink Niall tried to break free from his boyfriend's forced cuddle, " go away Repunzal before your hair are snatched. "

" I hate all of you right now. You too Liyum " the shoutings of angry Irish lad fade out as they entered the late afternoon sunshine. The sky was clear and the day was perfect for the outing. Cottony clouds were shattered on the blue carpet, hiding and unhiding the Sun, unlike the previous night's sky which had the total absence of Moon.

Dusty was placed in Louis's arms as they climbed down the front stairs of their present home." Did you take enough water? "

" for the sixth time Dua, I did. I packed enough water and food to last for a few hours. Don't worry. I'll take care of Dusty and Harry and would not leave her alone. We'll be back in no time. " Louis put her down after checking the temperature of the land, she let out a little excited bark. Soon a collar was wrapped around her furry throat and they were good to go.

" we're good to go if we have your permission your majesty. " he bows down to Dua, asking for her permission, making her sigh in annoyance.

" I hope the sea-urchin bites you in your sassy arse. Be back before the dark."

" Hey, that rhymed. " Harry clapped, turning two faces towards him, their expression shutting him off instantly, " What? "

" I knew you too would make me do it Styles. " Dua turned to her best friend, " if the sharks start paying him attention, even a little bit, please do me a favor and push him into the water. I'll buy you all of Green's hardcovers. "

" Consider it done Isaac. "


The blue sea was seen on their left as they walked through the wide opening of the grass and small rocks, scattered here and there, the sun being merciful on them as the clouds were not done playing hide and seek with it. Louis was leading them, a happy smile on his face as he described to Harry about how he got Dusty, two years ago, his expression adorable. " They just put her in my lap out of nowhere. We were having sleepover like every year and I somehow dozed off while talking and the next thing I know is something was licking my cheeks you know. " he looked over his shoulder to see if the other one was paying attention or not. He got a present face of Harry in return, smiling and nodding while he tried to manage his curls in the strong wind.

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