Ch- 6 // The Hoping

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Yeah I know it's been more than a month,two months actually and I have no excuses.THIS is me. I leave things in half way.

And who even cares.?


I hate love
There, I crushed you


Blue Eyes - No way Harry. What are you talking about.? Chris Evans is way better than Pratt. Cap will kick Starlord in the face. #teamcap

You - Its not always about Avengers Louis. Its about their personality. I would choose to be a thief than broke  friend's trust. And by the way it was all your So Good Captain's fault that they broke apart. Who does that to a friend.?

Blue Eyes - Oh come on. Dont be a child. He had to help Bucky.He needed him at that point. He has no one. And its Hydra' s fault.Not My Stucky's.

You - Stucky.?

Blue Eyes - Steve and Bucky, Stucky. I have so much to teach you. You caveman.

You - Sorry for disappointing you. I don't believe in all that shit.

You - Crap*

Blue Eyes -  You don't believe in what.?

Harry stared at his phone, longer than necessary . How could he say that he dosen't believe in love to the boy, for whom, the love is everything. For whom even the pairing of two characters are like pair of two living person. Who watches Romantic shits and cries when they don't get a happily ever after.

He should have thought before giving his number to Louis. He knew it would happen. What was he thinking.? That he would block his number and never text back. ? Ha, Jokes on him.

Blue Eyes - Harry.? You there.?

You - I don't believe in love.

There he said it.

And well, the reply didnt came. He waited for an hour. He did his daily chorus and still,no news from the blue eyed guy. Louis didn't replied back and that made him wait, almost longing for what he has to say about it. And yes, it was something new for him. The waiting. He instantly believed that he has let down him.  The feeling that he really crushed someone's hope for love was growing strong after every passing second. He knows Louis wants love like he wants his Dog, like a mother needs her child after the day of separation. That idiot pairs characters of movies and singers and even the dogs from his neighbors. For him, Love is everything.

And for Harry.? Love is something he had but dosen't need anymore. Like a fever, good at bay.He avoids it. He loves his family and Niall. Just them.And still he has named the called feeling Care, not love. He dosen't need love of a stranger to survive, you need food,water and air to survive right.?

And what's the fuss about it.?

There are more hookups than dates.

There are more grinding on the dance floor than walking on the beach.

There are more breakups than proposals.

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