Chapter : 13 // The one with the headache

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I hate me so i won't mind if you do too.

This one is a filler because I have - 1000000 motivation to write in this new year.

Life has changed
People has changed


Also I would like to give you a hug because we all lost an amazing Angel.

Fly high Fiz. ♡



When the luggage was placed in the trunk of the bus, they were told to get seated as the journey was long and they were already behind of the schedule.

The couple took a sit in the bunk, bigger than other three and Dua throw herself on the little couch leaving the other two to decide about them on their own. Dua noticed them, " Why are you still standing.? Harry, make yourself at home, bus actually but you know what that means. " in return of that Harry just nodded and walked away towards the smaller bunk, opposite of Liam and Niall.

" And you, sit wherever you want. " She told Louis, signalling to sit him beside Harry by her chin. " Wherever you like. "

But much to her tries, Louis sat down beside her and started to covering him with the blanket he fetched before leaving the home.

Dua glared at him, " I did not told you to sit here. Go away. " but the said man, didn't listen to her as he cuddled further into the warmth of his bestfriend. When he was comfortable, he gave her an innocent smile, " I was not gonna sit with him, he would feel uncomfortable, spare him. "

" Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was feeling uncomfortable while he was literally cuddling you few minutes ago. By the way your hight difference is so cute. I totally ship you two. Now go away, talk to him. " Dua whispered shout but still unable to make Louis move.

When she saw her bestfriend, not giving her any reaction, she smiled wickedly at him, " Hey Harry ! "

Louis removed the blanket from his face, he gave her a questioning look.

" Yes .? " The asked man replied from his bunk, arranging his backpack and settling in.

" How are you.? I hope you're comfortable with this all and won't run away from us. "

Harry smiled at her sincerely, " I hope you guys won't kick me out too then because I can be weird too. "

" Yepp, he is. Takes a strong heart and soul to stay with him. He burns the food and drags you out of the bed in the early morning. He annoys you with Mick Jagger's dance moves. " Niall piped in from Liam's embrace.

" I will have to see that dance move, Mick is God with Capital g. " Dua replied to which Harry welcomed with a grin.

" Finally I found someone who does not think that gift as an annoying thing. " He poked his tongue out to Niall and reached to high five Dua.

" How long would it take to reach there.? " Niall asked and grabbed his water bottle.

" Almost seven hours. We'll stop for lunch around two. "


It was around Two when Matthew informed them that there is a small restaurant where they can eat to which all of them welcomed with happy sighs.

The restaurant was however, retro looking with it's faded red roof and light yellow walls and glass windows with half torn posters on it.

" Welcome to the good old days children " Dua shouted and made her way in the restaurant, other people following behind.

The inside of the place was too, out of the movie scene, like that old diner from the movie The Cinderella story with big board of The Real Town on the wall above the counter. Big round tables placed in line giving the view of the road.

All of them were seated soon, their orders were quickly delivered and the lunch was done.


" Hey. Dua.? Hey wake up." Louis shook her arm, hoping to wake her up. He was the only one who wasn't asleep like others. Only because his head was on fire. And even though his mum tolf him to pack every needed medicine, he forgot the one which he needs the most.

Dua groaned " we reached .? "

" No. It will take two hours to reach but I need med. " Dua was instantly up after the word med. " What happened.? You okay.? What med you need.? " She asked, worry lines on her forehead.

" Wake up others now, would you. My head is killing me.." he replied, massaging his temple.

" Ya, one sec. " She got up and fumbled around in her backpack for few seconds and pulled out a little orange bottle, titled ' headache ', placing the backpack down she returned, " here " she put it in man's hand with stern look, she went back to fetched water bottle from mini fridge to swallow it with " keep them with you and stop staying up late. "

" I wasn't up. I swear. I ate too by the way." Louis countered.

His bestfriend sighed, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes. " Come here " she opened her arms and Louis easily went and cuddled.

Sleep arrived easily after that.


If Harry was looking their interaction with fond then no one has to know.



1 - So what's your thoughts on Endgame.?

2 - Harry and Gucci shit.?

3 - follow me on insta @ deestylinson28

I'll get my ass motivated because Captain America and Bucky Barnes did not raised a quitter.


I love you if you don't have anyone to give you love.

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