Ch - 5 // The Adventure

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So Hello again. I'm back with another chapter. Almost 3k words.

How are you guys?


and I run away, away from you.
Fearing you or maybe fearing myself
But surely fearing what would happen
If I don't run away from you.


" but it's just been an hour Lou and I still need perfume and make up.We can stay few more minutes. Pretty please. ? " Lottie said with suger coated words to Louis. She still needed few more minutes even after  three hours of shopping in the mall. And Louis being the good brother he is sighed in defeat.  They both were passing shop after shop from hours and he was getting tired because of all that. He had to stay up late to finish the novel he was reading. He also helped his mum in kitchen for breakfast and then lunch and did the gardening, just when he thought he was free, Lottie came running to his room, begging to come with her to the mall.And that's how he found himself after few minutes of hasty shower, standing with so many shopping bags of different brands in his hands.

It was getting dark and chilly, too chilly for it should be.And he only had his black adidas t-shirt with denim jeans on.His hair was a mess but anyone would take it as a new style. Their driver Clint came to drop them off to the mall and left right away knowing that Jay would need him at the home to pick up Max from the airport. Louis promised his mother that it will be ok and they will find a cab, she don't need to send another driver to pick them up. Lottie agreed to that too saying they are mature enough to find a cab.

After few more tours of shops, they found a bench to catch breath for few minutes. Lottie excused herself to go to the bathroom. Louis looked around himself and found himself alone eventhogh it should be crowded at this time.

" Lookin for someone twink.? Need company do ya.? " the voice startled him, looking up,he found the source of that voice.  A bald middle aged guy with piercing in his right eyebrow was staring at him with an ugly smirk.
Now Louis can be a guy with big mouth and bigger ass but he isn't the one who can defend himself without a drop of fear. He looked down  and hoped that the guy would go away. He was seriously hoping Lottie to come back but also he didn't wanted his sister to see him like this.Unable to stand up for himself.

That bald guy came up to him and sat on the bench which was placed beside the one on which he was sitting. That made Louis to stop his breathing.

" Come on, ya look pretty lonely darlin. I can keep ya company. " He said again, disgust dripping with every word.

" Just go away. " Louis whispered not looking up.

" So ya can talk.Show me your face pretty. " 

Louis was getting really scared.He was cursing Lottie to take him at the mall.He was really hoping he would have called Dua or Liam to come with them. He was angry at himself for being weak and not be able to stand up for himself. He was a mix of so many emotions.

" Are you dumb you shit.Do as I said. " bald guy said again with higher voice and harsh tone. That startled Louis again. He looked up to see if anyone was there to save him.But he was alone on the floor with the guy who was scarier than the villain he read about in his book a night before.

The bald guy stood up and grabbed Louis' arm. Louis' face lost the colors. He was afraid like a kitten on the pole, he had nowhere to go.He had his phone in his pocket but he couldn't take it out because of the pain he was getting by that was making him feel dirty. He feared he would get kidnap or the worse and worst. That guy then grabbed his jaw and made him look at him.Louis found himself shaking when he saw the look on the guy's face, almost passed out.  " Twink like you shouldn't be out in public honey. Pathetic and weak. Can't even show his face huh.? Listen now babygirl, I need you to come with me and do thing or two for me. You owe me after you've teased me from almost an hour now. I have been chasing you and that sister of yours from so long to leave without little touching. Now be a good slut and do as I say. " Bald guy spoke directly in his ears and tried to kiss his lips. Louis was full on panicking, he thought it would be his last day of dignity.

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