Ch.2 - The Invite

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His remarkably beautiful hazel eyes, met with mine. For just a split second, I was lost looking into them from down below. It took a few more moments for me to fully examine every inch of his body. His height added onto his looks and his body was amazingly sculpted. His skin? PERFECT! His complexion complimented the color of his eyes even more and let's not talk about his lips.

They were so perfectly shaped, full, and looked oh so soft. Everything about this boy was breathtaking.

"You need help getting up? or do you prefer to keep staring at me from down here?" he said, stooping down, meeting me at an eye level. "What?! No! " I shout, making an attempt to get up. He reached forward to help me anyways, but I dodged his hands and went straight for my phone before getting up.

He stood tall once again. "Never mind then I guess." he chuckled. I glared at him, trying to figure out where the hell he could've come from. I know for a fact that he wasn't in front of me just a minute ago. Of course, I wasn't paying much attention, but I would have noticed him. "It's impolite to stare." he utters, raising an eyebrow. I crossed both my arms and replied to his comment. "I wasn't staring." Liar.

"Right. Is there something on my lips? Is that why you keep looking at them? " He mocked, running his fingers through his curly hair. Who the hell does this boy think he is?

"Please. How about you start paying more attention to where you're going instead of what it is that I'm looking at." I say to him, trying to brush past him. "ME!? You can't be dead ass right now." he states. Both of our faces were screwed up. "Last time I checked, you were the one walking with your face glued to your phone instead of paying attention to your surroundings." he continues. " And your eyes were glued to what exactly while you were walking? Hmmm let me see...was it the brunette over there? " I ask, pointing to a random girl. "OR! How about blondie over there? OUU WAIT! Even better. Baby girl in the blue shorts that's being swallowed by her ass. " I taunt, remaking eye contact.

His eyes followed in every direction that I pointed, just before reverting his eyes back to me. "And if I was? " He asks with a small smirk, crossing his arms afterwards. "I mean, if we're being honest... she has a lil something back there." he jokes. Once again, I was staring at him in disgust.

Guys are literally disgusting. Too bad they're the species I'm attracted to. "If that's what you like then go ahead and add her to your list. I'm sure you have one." I say to him, tapping his chest, making another attempt to walk away.

He turns around and continues to speak to me. "You say that as if I'm some kind of whore or something. As if you KNOW me." I turn back around to face him. "Am I wrong? " I ask, reexamining every inch of his body.

He completely ignores my question and begins walking towards me, stroking his chin. "Look at you. Judging me and you don't even know me." he whispers. "I wouldn't say judging." I reply as he casually comes to a stop. He tilts his head and stares directly into my eyes as if he were trying to figure me out. He takes a second to look me up and down and he smirks without saying a word.

"It seems as if my assumptions were correct." I state. "Woah! " He exclaims, but I didn't give him a chance to say anything else. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I say before quickly taking off to avoid the start of a new conversation.

As I walked away, I could feel that his eyes were fixated on me. He stood there, watching me disappear into the crowd. I may be a little smart mouthed, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to it. I could tell just by the way he stared at me and the change in his tone of voice as we spoke.

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