Ch.7- Unfinished Business

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*Heavy Breathing and Extreme Panting*

I wasn't quite sure as to what I might've gotten myself into by staying in this unfamiliar neighborhood alone, but I was sure that I was about to find out. I was unable to see anything nor was I able to open my mouth and scream. Whoever this was, made sure to remain silent so recognition of voice was out of the window. I also noticed that we barely moved from where I stood before. If there was anything that my father ever taught me that stuck, it was to always remain calm in situations like this. Never panic! Panicking brings an unfocused mind and unclear thoughts. But if there was anything else that he taught me that also stuck, it would be self-defense. He made sure that if something like this ever happened, I'd know exactly what to do and that I'd be able to hold my own.

Within seconds, those self-defense mechanisms kicked in. The moment I felt the persons grip on my mouth loosen up, I took that opportunity to attack. I knew it had to be a male. One blow to the gut, a knee to his private area, and a slap to the face is what he got and in the blink of an eye I was being slammed and pinned down to the hood of a car. How in the fuck??

"FUCK Genesis! Why the fuck would you do that!? " He grunted. *Genesis Gasps* "Devin! I'm so sorry! " I apologized out of pure instinct without realizing who's name I just called. His grip on my hands loosened up and he lowered his head while struggling to get his breathing under control. "Don't say sorry to me, say that shit to my dick! What the FUCK! " He shouted once more. In at least three seconds, I actually realized who was standing in front of me. "Wait...DEVIN!? " I shouted. "No shit sherlock." he uttered.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! " I asked. He finally let me go and we both stood up straight. "No, you're the one that's crazy." he argued. "How the hell am I the crazy one when you just tried to fake kidnap me? " I questioned. He rolled his eyes. "No one was trying to fake kidnap you. I just tried to scare you a bit... that's all." he stated. "So, in your head, covering my eyes and mouth was the best way to scare me when you could've just jumped from behind the car or something? " I asked him out of frustration.

"What? Would you have hesitated to attack me still? " He asked. "Probably not." I replied. "Okay then, so what difference does it make? " He joked. Now I was the one rolling my eyes. I was already over his nonsense, so I began to walk. "And where are you going? " He asked. "HOME! " I  blurt out.

He stood still for a few seconds before he began to walk with me. "Already? For what? " He asked. "What do you mean already Dev? Its 4 AM." I uttered. He grabbed my hand to prevent me from walking any further, "Let me take you home then." He flirtatiously stated. I was taken by surprise by his offer. I wanted to say no, but my feet were KILLING me. "Fine, but only because my feet hurt, and Alena has my car." I told him.

We walked a short distance back to his driveway where his car was parked. As I approached the passenger side of the car, he unlocked the door. As soon as I go to open the door, the door slams shut. I turn around to find Devin standing behind me with his hand on the door. He then leaned against it, preventing me from getting inside.

"Devin, what the hell are you doing. Why are you always in play mode? " I grunt. He stared at me in silence with a smile on his face. "I still think it's a little too early for you to go home right now." He speaks. "Early?? It's almost 4:30! " I exclaim. "That's early to me." He whispered, leaning towards my face.

Once again, my heart began to pound at the thought of his face being so close to mine. No genesis NO! Self-control Gen self-control!

"That's because you haven't had enough to drink, where did you go?  It's kind of rude for a party host to run off and leave his attendees by themselves...especially the girl he begged to be here." I say to him. "Well, well, well. Look who missed me." He teased. "Never mind then. I could care less where you ran off to." I utter, attempting to reopen the car door, but Devin wouldn't let up.

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