Ch.6- You Reap What You Sow

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Devin and I spun around to find a tall brown skinned man standing behind us. I had absolutely no idea who this man could have been, but his facial expression clearly showed that he was fuming, and my heart began to race. I hid behind Devin and remained silent.

"This is what we do now?! Shut everyone out and thrash houses!? MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!!??? " Morris bellowed. "What the FUCK was running through your mind before you decided to bring all these people into my house?! " He continued, scaring me half to death. Meanwhile, Devin showed zero signs of being fazed by his shouting.

"How about you just chill out." Devin blandly states. "So what? I threw a party and NOTHING valuable has been touched. What's your problem? "

Morris was in shock. "My problem... MY FUCKING PROBLEM?! " He shouts. "The problem here is that you could've INFORMED me that there would be HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WALKING IN AND OUT OF MY HOUSE TONIGHT! You don't just throw parties without asking for permission DEVIN!"

*Devin begins to chuckle lightly*

I was too afraid to move as the two went back and forth. I couldn't even comprehend why Devin was even laughing at the moment. "Parties?? How can you say parties when this is the first party, I've actually thrown here Morris? " Devin asked, being a literal asshole. "I DON'T CARE! " His father screamed. Specs of saliva exited his mouth mid scream. "THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF IRRESPONSIBILITY! NO WONDER WHY YOUR MOTHER DIDN'T TRUST YOU TO STAY HOME WHILE SHE'S GONE! " He added.

And just like that, in a split second, the change in Devin's body language was noticeable. By this time, I had already made the connection that the man was Devin's father. Without even looking at Dev's face, I could tell that his father had gotten under his skin with what he just said, based on his breathing alone. I began to mentally and physically prepare myself for a father and son fist fight.

"Don't bring my mother into this... You don't have the right." Devin mumbled with his head down. "Don't you try to speak to me about whether my mother trusts me or not when you are the man she couldn't trust the most." He then grunted.

Devin took a few steps closer to his father, standing face to face with him. "Irresponsible you say? " He asks in a very deep and angry tone. "Nah, this isn't irresponsible, but... you know what is? HUH DAD!? " He angrily asks.

Morris began to re-enter his calm state. "Devin...not now. This is not the time." He quietly spoke. "Oh, NOW this isn't the time? Well, I think it is Morris." Devin replied. "What's IRRESPONSIBLE..."dad"... is running off with your mistress to start a new family and leaving the woman you claimed to love with your infant son that you never cared for, behind. That's irresponsible. So don't you lecture me on what responsibility is and is not... when you were never there to show me what responsible was." Devin spoke. Although his voice stated that he was calm, his facial expression made a different statement.

Standing off to this side and watching the glares from the dimmed light shine behind Devin's head, I could see the tears forming in his eyes. Morris stood in silence. "So, guess what Morris? " Devin says to him. "Dev... I-" his father whispered. "Can explain? yeah, I bet. FUCK you AND this house that you live in! " Devin angrily shouted, pushing past his father and leaving the room.

"DEVIN WAIT! " Morris calls out just before the door slams. Devin never turned around. "DAMMIT!!!!!!!! " He screams, startling me.

It all made sense now. Devin. The way he was and how he operated. It all made sense.

While his father faced the door, I tried to quietly creep around him to exit the room as well. I didn't expect their exchange of words to escalate so quickly and at this moment I just wanted to get away from the chaos. Before I could even get close enough to the door, Morris turned around and faced me. I dropped my purse and phone on the floor, afraid of what he might say. I was as still as can be and didn't say a word as he locked eyes with mine. Nervousness took over my entire body.

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