CH. 21- Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

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Devin had gone to his mothers house to have some time away from his dad after finding out what he found out.

"Devin can we please talk now?? You've been giving me the cold shoulder for far too long! " Kate begs. "There's nothing to talk about." He responds with a cold tone. "Devin, baby please don't behave this way." She asks of him. Devin instantly gets angry with her. From all that has been going on, there's been an extreme short fuse as it relates to his anger. "Behave like what ?! You're a fucking liar just like him! " He shouts. "I lied to protect you! " Kate shouts back. "Great. Now everybody wants to FUCKING protect Devin all of a sudden. How the FUCK is lying to me about every GODDAMN thing PROTECTING ME !?? How fucking delusional are you mom ?!" Devin roars throughout the room. "DEVIN! " She yells. "DEVIN MY ASS! I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE! I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU GUYS' FUCKING PROTECTION! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING BUT TEARING MY FUCKING LIFE APART AS IT GOES! " He lashes out.

Kate begins to tear up after she realizes how angry her son really is with her. "Devin, can you please calm down." She pleads. "Calm down. You want me to CALM DOWN ?!" He gawks. "Please! Just for a second." She replies. "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM AFTER I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY FATHER IS BASICALLY A FUCKING RAPIST?! HUH ?! " He shouts again. Kate sighs heavily.

Devin throws out a villain like laugh. "And it's not like he assaulted just any old woman. He assaulted the mother of the girl I want to FUCKING be with! Genesis' mom! " He screams for the world to hear, crippling up. Kate goes to hold him as he's slouched over on the ground. "My baby. I'm sorry we kept this from you. We knew it would turn out this way so we thought that just advising you to stay clear of her would be best." She explain to him.

Devin jumps up from the ground, pushing his mother off of him. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME THE REASON!? You didn't think I would question or try to find out why I should stay away??? " He angrily interrogates. "YOU guys are the reason she's in that coma right now! YOU GUYS! If you would've told me from the jump I would've left her alone! I would've never let things between her and I get so fucking far! " He cried.

Devin grabs his phone from the counter top and storms away. He swiftly turns back around to tell his mother. "I'm moving out! I can't trust neither one of you."


Morris stood in the window of his bedroom, replaying the heated conversation him and his son in his head over and over until it brought him to tears.


"It all makes sense now. That man hates me because....he thinks I've been forcing Genesis to have sex with me....or that I forced her into doing it from the beginning. He thinks I'm taking advantage of his daughter. He thinks....I'm going to do to her...whatever you did to her're" Devin mumbles to himself before he glances over at his dad while taking a few steps back.

Morris goes to grab a hold of Devin to explain himself. "DON'T TOUCH ME! " Devin shouts, still in disbelief. "Devin please listen to me son. There's nothing in this world that could take back what I did... regardless of how sorry I was and STILL am. Believe me when I say that what I am about to say is absolutely no excuse, but around the time that this happened, I was heavily into drugs and was abusing my use of alcohol. I wasn't in my right mind when I did it! I swear if I were, none of that would've happened. I could never harm someone I truly loved and cared about." Morris explains to him. "I paid the price for it and I still am in a way. That's why I wasn't able to be there for you when you were growing up. I wanted to be there more than anything, but I couldn't. Prison kept me from you. I didn't make the choice to be away from you. Now you hate me because that was instilled into your mind and I'm fighting to make it up to you. I'm trying to right my wrongs." Morris continues. "I'm sorry...WHAT?! " Devin blurts out. "You were in prison?! " He questions. "Yeah....Nineteen years. I went down for a lot of things that I just can't care to explain to you right now." Morris replies.

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