Ch.11 - Never On Time

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*Morris' coughing comes to an end*

"I'm fine. My drink just went down a little too quick." He forces out, pushing me back some.

I stand up straight waiting for him to straighten up as well. When he did, all he did was stare at me. He gave me this look that told me he didn't really want me in his house right now and it honestly made me feel quite uncomfortable.

"Come on Devin, hurry up and come downstairs already." I thought to myself.


I look to my right and there he was. THANK GOD!

"Am I missing something ?" Devin asks, folding both arms and leaning up against the wall. "Nothing's going on Dev, I was just trying to get to know your friend Genesis here if I'm not mistaken." Morris replies. "Why? She's not your company." Devin snarks.

Without hesitation, I migrate over to Devin, standing by his side. He and his father have a short stare down before Morris redirects the conversation.

"So! Genesis...are you planning to stay for dinner tonight? " He asks me. My heart sunk to my ass. "Oh no..I wasn't pla-..." I begin to say just before Devin begins to talk over me. "No. She was just leaving." He interrupts, grabbing a hold of my wrist.

I glance at him. "What the fuck?! Since when!? I thought we were grabbing food? " I shout in my mind, repelled by his remarks.

Devin suddenly went from sweet to sour in the blink of an eye. I could tell he was trying not to show it, but the look he gave me in that split second was enough confirmation that I should just stay quiet.

"Well that's a shame." Morris blurts out, before I could make any sudden movements. "It would be wonderful if you could stay. We truly wouldn't mind." He adds, flashing a smile at Devin and then to me. I could feel Devin's grip on my hand getting tighter and I was ready to make my way on out. "It would be an honor Mr. Gordon, but Devin's right. I should get going. It was nice talking to you." I say to him, pulling away from Devin and making my way out of the kitchen to find the front entrance.

Morris and Devin both silently watch me walk away. *Footsteps are heard on the stairs*

"You know...That was a pretty asshole thing to do Dev." Morris says to him. "I don't even know what you're talking about right now." Devin replies nonchalantly. "What I'm talking about is the fact that you literally just threw that poor girl out of the house after you brought her here and took advantage of her! " Morris expresses with disappointment. "What?! I didn't take advantage of anyone! You sound crazy right now." Devin calmly argues, brushing off all of Morris' comments. "Yes you did." Morris rebuttals. "How ?" Devin then asks him, waiting for him to respond. "Why is she wearing your clothes then huh? Explain that. Why is there bite marks on her neck? Huh? Or even better... Why is your neck covered in hickies? " Morris asks, shutting Devin up for a few seconds.

Devin walks over to the fridge to grab a drink. Upon opening the doors, he grumbles, "She needed a change of clothes so I let her borrow them...that's it."

"What about the hand prints? " Asks his dad. "We were were playing a game." Devin answers with quickness. "Oh yeah? What game? " Morris questions. "That's none of your business." Devin mumbles, sipping from his glass. "And the hickies? " Morris then asks. "Allergic reaction." Devin emotionlessly answers, leaning against the counter top as he continued sipping his iced tea.

Morris shakes his head and chuckles. "Right. That makes so much more sense." He utters to himself. "Doesn't it ?" Devin sarcastically asks.

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