Ch.15 - Cleaning Out The Closet

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"Samarah! Where the fuck is Genesis ?!" Charles screams from upstairs. Samarah dashes from the kitchen to the bottom of the stairs as Charles makes his way down, angry as can be. "She's in her room Charles! What is all this commotion about ??" She asks, confused. "I thought you said you told her to STAY AWAY FROM THAT BOY !?" He hollers, soon meeting face to face with his wife.

Samarah struggles to find the words to say as she tries to wrap her mind around what could possibly be going on. "W-What are you talking about? I did! " She exclaims. Charles, paces back and forth, cursing left and right. "WHAT is going ON Charles !?" Samarah projects, hoping to then get an answer. Charles turns to look at her.

"How clear did you really it make it to her that she must stay away from this bastards son Sam? Huh ? Tell me... Because apparently you didn't make it clear enough if Jeremey is claiming to have seen her with the boy AT YOUR EX'S FUCKING HOME! " He angrily shouts. "What ?! How ?! That's impossible! I-I swear... she was in her room. And how the hell would Jeremey have known?? What what HE doing over there ?!" Samarah questions with concern.

The two spend the next 10 minutes going back and forth, shouting, but neither bothered to check and see if Genesis was home or not.


"Mom...Dad? Are you guys okay? I heard you guys yelling and figured you might've been fighting..." I nervously point out, creeping up from behind the kitchen wall. My mom looks at my dad immediately in confusion. My eyes follow.

"Are we okay ??" My dad repeats, walking towards me. My mother follows. "Why don't you tell us Genesis...Do we look like we're okay ?!" He shouts, frightening me. "I-I'm confused dad I-..." I hesitantly reply. "I bet you are! " He screams again. "How do you expect us to TRUST you Genesis when your mother simply asked you to stay away from that Devin boy, and you go behind her back AND SEE HIM ANYWAY !?" He continues hollering. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach. "W-what? Dad what are you talking about? " I ask, confused as to how he may have found that out. Was it Devin's dad? Did Madison tell him after she said she wouldn't ? So many questions flooded my brain.

"DON'T PLAY FUCKING DUMB GENESIS OR SO HELP ME GOD! " My father roars. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because I was worried that my days with Devin were now over or if it were because of how my dad was talking to me. Either way, my feelings were somewhat hurt.

"Jeremy told me he saw you with that boy at his fathers house! " He then blurts out. My eyes slowly trickled down to the floor, back up to my dad, and then to my mom. My mind went blank. I no longer wanted to cry. My feelings were no longer hurt. What I felt was betrayal and sudden anger. Betrayal from my own brother who's ass I've always covered when need be and angry that he would willingly throw me under the bus like that.

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY NOW?! " My dad shouts, drawing my attention back to him. "Are you going to keep pretending like you don't know what I'm talking about ?" He continues. My mom grabs him, signaling him to calm down and speak with a softer tone. I on the other hand, remain silent and decide to stare at my father blankly. I no longer felt obligated to explain myself or even react to the situation.

"This is your last warning Genesis Marie! You hear me!? "Charles bellows. "Stay AWAY from that BOY! " He finishes, slamming his hand down on the counter and turning his back to me. This wasn't a movie. The smart thing probably would've been to say yes and just walk away and leave the room. But then I thought to myself...What if this was a movie?

"Or what? " I come out with. My dad turns around immediately. My mothers eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets. "Excuse me?? " He mutters. "WHAT are you really gonna do about it if I don't stay away from him? Huh dad? " I push. My dad looks at my mom in both shock and rage, and she immediately put herself between us. Reaching over my mothers shoulder, he shouts "I WILL SEND YOU AWAY TO LIVE WITH OTHER FAMILY! "

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