Ch.20 - Can You Keep A Secret?

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The sound of Morris saying her name was chilling, but the lack of eye contact, let alone acknowledgment from Devin made her ten times more anxious to get to her child. Samarah didn't know whether to lose it or keep calm.

"What in heavens name are you doing here? And WHERE is my daughter!? " Samarah cries out hoping for a response. "What in the hell could she have been doing to get hit by a vehicle?! How do I know my baby is even still alive?! " she continues to ramble.

Devin inhales and exhales deeply, covering his face and finding the nearest seat to sit in as his legs shook uncontrollably. "Samarah please calm down." Morris asks of her. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO MORRIS! IF IT WERE YOUR SON YOU'D DO MORE THAN SHOUT IN A HOSPITAL! MY BABY WAS NEARLY KILLED LAST NIGHT AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME WHAT LEAD TO HER GETTING RUN OVER! " Samarah argues. She runs over to Devin and kneels down on the floor before him, begging for him to look at her. "Devin! Please! If you have any kind of sympathy for my daughter you'd tell me." She begins to say. Devin doesn't share any form of eye contact still. "Please! What happened at that party last night? " She proceeds to ask.

Tears began to form in Devin's eyes. Samarah was silently panicking over what could come out of his mouth, but she tried her hardest not to show it. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Santiago." He whimpers, rubbing his eyes as the tears fell. Samarah gently grabs both of his arms. "S-...sorry for what? What is it that you're not telling me son? " She then asks. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault! I never meant for this to happen." He goes on, scaring Samarah even more. "W-what? What are you talking about? What did you do? You're not telling me what happened! " She exclaims, still trying to get an answer out of him. "Samarah that's enough! " Morris chimes in, attempting to pull her away from his son. She pulls away from him. "Devin! Listen to me." Samarah demands, shaking him with firm hands. "I need you to explain to me...what that party that you're saying the things you're saying." Devin's silence doesn't break. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT! " Samarah shouts out of desperateness. "I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH SAMARAH! " Morris roars, successfully pulling her away from his son.

"STAY OUT OF THIS MORRIS! " She yells, fighting him as he pulled her away. "LIKE HELL I WILL! THIS IS MY CHILD! YOU DON'T HAVE THE GODDAMN RIGHT TO RAISE YOUR GODDAMN VOICE AT HIM! " He argues back, quieting her. "What the hell is going on here ??" Charles questions, barging through the hospitals doors. Samarah runs straight to him, embracing him with the tightest hug.

Charles makes eye contact with Devin. "What the hell did you do to my daughter ?!" He interrogates, accusing Devin. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! Tell your lowlife husband to watch himself Sam! I'm NOT fucking around behind my son! He didn't do a DAMN thing to your daughter! " Morris clamors. "YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH YOU-..." Charles rebuttals. "CHARLES! NOT HERE! " Samarah interrupts, cutting off his remarks.

Devin jumps up from his seat. "You what?! Say it. I dare you! " He challenges Charles. The sadness in his eyes were quickly turning back into rage. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut through with a knife. Devin and his father weren't close, yes, but it didn't mean he'd stand by and let anyone disrespect him in his presence, despite what may come out of his own mouth.

*Doctor presents himself*

"Everyone PLEASE quiet down! " He announces. The room finally goes quiet. "If I may ask, who are the parents of Ms. Santiago ?" He proceeds in questioning. Charles is the first to speak. "W-we are!" He answers. *The doctor looks over at Devin* "And I'm assuming you are the boyfriend that rode with the ambulance, correct ?" He asks him. Both Charles and Samarah glance at Devin from the corner of their eyes. Samarah rushes towards the doctor, grabbing a handful of his scrubs.

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